
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 41-44Verses 45-48

      Here the argument is about Job, who is a pattern of patience and true faith in God.

      Contrary to the Bible in which Job is counted as only a righteous believing man; Qurän introduces him as one of the prophets of God:-

      ``And mention our servant Job, when he cried to his Lord that:- ``Satan has afflicted me with trouble and torment.''

      A narration from Imam Sadiq (AS), notifies that:-

      ``Job was not afflicted by a sin or ingratitude. Allah put him on a trial to show to others his sincerity and faith. He was made a pattern of mankind, how to be patient and remain loyal in trouble and hardship, and not to be haughty and arrogant in prosperity. From among the apostles, Job is best known for being an example of humility, patience, and faith, in all the ups and downs of the life.''

      Job a righteous man lived a lucky life at first, in the north-east Arabia.

      God put him in a hard trial, and a number of calamities afflicted him! His cattle was destroyed out of a sudden. His servants were killed, and his family was crushed under a roof!

In spite all his misfortunes nad his painful distress, job remained patient and faithful to his Lord. Further, he became very sich, and lost his home and hearth.

      Some devilish neighbours visited him, and attributed his affliction to sins committed by him. This he could not withstand, and complained to his Lord saying:-

      ``My Lord! Satan has afflicted me with torment and trouble.''

      When he so cried to his Lord, he had already passed the test, and God answered him and soon after restored to him his former prosperity, by giving back to him all that he had lost and as many more with them! He then lived a very good and long a life.

      The recovery began when Allah ordered him to strike a point in somewhere, of which cold water gushed out! He bathed in that water, and drank of it, and was immediately healed! Soon after he received all that he had lost and as many more with them!


      The only problem that was remained for him to solve was his swear on account of his wife. He had swore to strike his wife a hundred lashes, when he had recovered his health and strength. He might have had some sort of anger or suspicion of her, or imagination of something wrong. But in course of events, he found his wife to be very loyal and faithful. To solve this without breaking his oath, Allah instrucled him:-

      ``Take a bundle of twigs and strike her with it.''

      In the Bible the conflict with his wife has been narrated otherwise:-

      According to the book of Job, in the Bible 2:8ِ19

      ``Job went and sat by the rubbish heap, and took a piece of broken pottery to scrape his sores. His wife said:- ``Are you still as faithful as ever? Why don't you curse G. and die?''

      Job answered:- ``You are talking nonsence! When God sends us something good we welcome it. How can we complain when he sends us a trouble? In spite of everything he suffered, Job said nothing against God.''

      The above verse (NO.44) implies that he must have threatened his wife by an oath, that he would beat her for her wrong suggestion. In order to keep on with his oath, God instructed Job, to beat his wife only with a small bundle of hay or straw or the like, not to break his oath; which is another symptom of Job's being gentle and kind.

      The lessons that we may learn from Job's story include the following:-

      A) God's trial is so extensive that may include his great prophets too. This is because through such trials, He manifests the hidden abilities of man, and drives them faster in their way to development and evolution.

      B) Relief after affliction is another lesson that we may take here in this story.

      When the deadly waves of misfortune and calamity rushes upon us, we should not get confused, or abandon to despair. We ought to know that the steering-wheel is in the hand of the All-knowing, All-mighty captain, Who can lead the ship safely to the shore. He is always aware of our condition and encompasses everything:-

      ``Verily with every difficulty there is a relief.''

      C) And finally the lesson for us is to learn from Job's story that; patience is bitter but bears sweet fruit.




Verses 41-44Verses 45-48