
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 161-170Verses 171-177

      The beginning verses of the above passage, imply that the temptations of the idolaters and idols, do not have the least effect upon the heart or mind of a sincere servant of Godِneither the idolaters nor their idols, excepting those who deliberately choose the evil way, which leads them to the Fire.

      This is because evil cannot seriously affect faith and truth. It may only mislead those who knowingly put themselves in the way of Hell, or else Allah would have protected them:-

      ``So you and what you worship, can never deceive anyone, except him who has destined himself to join Hell.''

      The said verses also imply that Man has a FREE WILL, and has no right excuse for his perversion from the straight way, that has been laid before him. He has no reason to claim that he had been deceived and misled or compelled to worship idols. He reaches to what he has ordained and destined for himself knowingly.

      Following the above three that allude to the Man's Free Will, there comes another three verses that illustrate the high position of the angels whom the idolaters considered to be females and the daughters of God:-

      ``There is none of us except that, he has a known position, and we all have ranged ourselves, and we are continuously sanctifying Allah our Lord God.''

      So also, the innocent and infallible Imams are alike the angels in behaviour and at the service of God. They sincerely worship Him. They sanctify Him, and each have their own position and duty.

      Those who have ranged and prepared themselves for the service of God, have no objection with regards to the creation, whatever it is. In their sight everything is, as it should be; no less no more. Therefore temporary failures and shortcomings, does not discourage them in their strife.


      There are then the last four verses in the passage which point to the racial features of the Pagan Arabs:-

      ``Had there been a reminder or some sort of a Scripture with us, we would definitely have been Allah's purest servants.''

      To say it in other way, they claimed to have been the first rank of students if they had a good teacher. But their claim was merely a cover, to veil their laziness. Here once again the Pagan Arabs referred and relied on their forefathers by saying that. They meant if their forefathers had received a miracle or revelation, or had worshipped Allah as they were now taught to worship, they would be the best of believers. But they received the most convincing reasons through Qurän, which was revealed in their own language, and yet they fell in doubt and rejected the truth that came to them:-

      ``They disbelieved it, but very soon will they come to know the consequences of their disbelief and rejection.''



Verses 161-170Verses 171-177