
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 8-10Verses 11-12

      People are here divided into two parties:- That of Satan, who calls his parties to be companions of the Fire. And the second party are the believers whom God is their Lord and Guardian.

      A characteristic of Satan's colleagues and friends, is to do bad, and to see it good; which is the main road to misfortune and Hell. Such a man will not accept any advice, and will take no warning. They never analyze their deeds and motives, because their evils have been adorned for them.

      So bad and dangerous is the disease of doing wrong, and seeing it right. This is the result of Satanic Temptations, who wants us to share his damnation. At its beginning, committing a sin is not easy and without a serious blame of Man's Conscience, and instinct. But by repeating the same sin, Satanic Temptations will disguise it to adorn it in our eyes, in order to deceive us; and then gradually sinning will become a part of our nature!

      God is mere goodness. He is the cause and the source of all beauties and goodnesses. When we reject God, we have rejected all the goodnesses that God has planted in our nature; and of course the consequence of evil is always evil. When we repeat our sinning we first become indifferent to its consequences.

      Reaching the stage of indifference to what is wrong and what is right, we shall be apt to go to the next stage in which our wrongs are adorned and are shown to be right in our eyes, and our evils to be good!

      When the evil of our conducts is made alluring to us, and we look upon it as good deed; we are fallen in the snare of Devil, and chained by our caprices, and here is where Allah will leave us to stray, because in His universal plan He has decreed not to force anyone to whom He has granted a Free Will. Therefore, he who accepts evil for good, must suffer the consequences of his foolish acceptance, and no one has he to blame except himself. Of course this is unless God may will otherwise, that his plan and will may work in some unexpected ways. This is why according to other verses of Qurän, no one should ever abandon himself to despair from the Mercy of God, if he is willing to achieve the noble destiny that God intends for all of us.

     We shouldn't lose hope, that many a time one may live in a dry,

barren, field in which all his aims and intentions are as deads. Then a wind is blown from a mysterious direction, and brings overhead some clouds, and the Grace and Mercy of our Lord which is Infinite, is rained upon him and his field, and will revive the dead land of his heart by a fresh, clean rain fall, and Lo! He will see everything changed to his benefit, and the cannon balls will sound the truth!

      Then at the end of the passage the matter of glory has been brought forth, Then pagan Arabs sought glory through their nearness to their larger idols. They were of opinion that to join the prophet by leaving their idols, would cause their separation and scattering; and would result in their commerical and economical impair.

In the sight of Islam glory belongs to God; His Messenger, and believers, who seek it through the worship of Allah and doing righteous deeds:-

     ``He who wants glory, let him know that all the glories belong to Allah. To Him ascends clean word, and He will raise up the righteous deeds.''




Verses 8-10Verses 11-12