
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 32-34Verse 35

      In this passage the argument about the prophet's wives has been continued, and seven important instructions for them has been revealed with the main object that, they are not like any other women in position.

      They differed for having close relation with the Messenger of God, and living in the center of Inspiration, and also hearing the Quränic instructions and Islamic wisdom. So they could be a pattern of conducts, either for good deeds or evil deeds.

      The main object of the whole passage is here to announce that the prophet's woman, such as his wives or daughters, were not like the ordinary women; nor was their marriage an ordinary marriage. Their responsiblities were also as important as their high positions because all the women who later converted, and joined Islam, will look at them as patterns of conducts. The position and place of women in Islam has been levelled to that of men, and their instruction and education is recommended to be performed by women too. Moslems have already hundreds of traditions and instructions that have been narrated or taught, by the prophet's wives. So they had to be very careful about their words and conducts. In particular they had to be very careful in their association with men, among whom some were sick in heart and mind.

      Their duties have been summed up mainly in obedience to Allah and His Messenger, which includes the performance of prayer, and payment of alms-tax.

      Then there follows some important instructions for them to be observed in order to protect their dignity and to guard their social and religious reputation. These instructions that are seven in number are as follows:-


      Lower your voice and speak not ardently that, he whose heart is sick may covet and feel desirous towards you.

      You are to speak honourably, and entitled to respect. Speak words that are not mingled with lie, falsehood, and are not sinful.

      Remain weighty in your houses, and get not easily excited to move, and do not display your adornment and finery, as the women in the Pagan Era used to do. Be not showy and given to outward appearance.

      Perform the prayer.

      Pay your due alms-tax

      Obey Allah and his Messenger.

      Call to mind whatever of knowledge and wisdom is rehearsed in your houses.


      The ending clause of the verse NO.33, turns suddenly to a masculine gender, while before it, the verbs and pronouns were all in faminine gender due to referring to the prophet's wives.

      This transition of gender may have included the whole household of the prophet in the matter of cleaning; women as well as men. These persons in the household that Allah intended to keep them clean and virtuous are:-

      1ِHAZRAT MOHAMMAD the Messenger of God. (SA)

      2ِHAZRAT IMAM ALI, the prophet's appointed successor by God. (AS)

      3ِHAZRAT FATIMA the prophet's beloved daughter. (AS)

      4ِHAZRAT IMAM HASSAN the prophet's grand son and the commander of the faithful appointed by God.

      5ِHAZRAT IMAM HUSSAIN the prophet's grand son and the commander of the believers appointed by God.


      The masculine gender is generally used in speaking of a mixed assembly of men and women:-


      ``Verily Allah intends, to remove from you the household, uncleanliness, and to clean you a perfect cleaning.''

      Almost all the Shiite commentators are of opinion that the above verse which is known as the verse of cleanliness applies only to the above mentioned five sacred saints from among the whole family of our prophet.




Verses 32-34Verse 35