
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 33-35Verses 36-40

      The argument is now about the real values, and that the gold and silver or rank and wealth are not suitable criterions for evaluating merits and virtues in the spiritual world. The worldly ranks, wealths, and all other enjoyments is of little value, compared with the qualifications that can be obtained in Spiritual World.

      If it was not for its great temptations which would easily allure common people and turn almost all to the lovers of gold, the unbelievers would be given houses with roofs of silver, and doors of gold. And all these are only trifles, compared with what the men of God will obtain in their spiritual life and in the Hereafter.

      But Allah does not want to place such a great temptation in the way of people, who are so easily seduced by the material enjoyments and worthless things.


      Islam breaks down the wrong and false values and replaces them with the real ones.

      In that pagan Arabic community that Islam appeared; high values circulated around the numbers of camels and cattle, that a person had, and his numerous slaves, servants, and workers, whom he had employed; besides his amassed amounts of gold and silver coins. These were the criterions for a man's merits and personality. Mohammad the truthful Messenger of God, came and ruined all such false criterions and standard, and upon the ruins, built new standard for things to be tried in forming a correct judgement respecting it.

      The new criterions were piety and cleanliness of both body and soul, and knowledge, wisdom, and self-sacrifice for the cause of truth.

      To make this more clear; Hazrat Imam Ali (AS) has said:- Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh dressed in old woolen clothes with a shepherd stick. They said to Pharaoh:- ``Submit to my Lord, who is your Lord too. If you do submit, your rank and wealth and glory, will be yours, and will endure.'' Pharaoh said to his courtiers:- ``Are you not amazed of what these two shepherds are telling me!? This is while poverty and helplessness is apparent from their whole appearance. If they are truthful, why they are not given bracelets of gold?'' The king said so, because in his sight, gold was the best standard of values?

      Of course Qurän does not want to proclaim that gold and silver, or adornment and ornaments, are nothing and worthless; or unlawful to be used.

      The aim of Qurän is to knock out the false values. It is utterly wrong to measure the merits and personality of men, with the unit of gold or gilded ornaments. Such facilities can be used as means and instruments, but not as standard, and principles.

      The Arabic word, ``ZOKHROF'' alludes to all kinds of ornaments that are made of gold or are gilded for more attraction. It also is the keyword here of which this SUREH has taken its name.



Verses 33-35Verses 36-40