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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 33-36Verses 37-40

      This is to confirm that the faith in God, and the Only one true God, (MONOTHEISM) is a thing natural to Man; and he has it by instinct and substantially. In hardship Man will remember that he has a Lord. He returns to Him and prays to Him for help; but in ease and affluence, he may forget that, and become inflated with vanity and arrogance:-

      ``When people are touched with trouble, they call their Lord for help, and turn to him in prayer, but when He makes them to taste of His Mercy, some of them assign partners to their Lord.''

      In troubles and adversities, the veils on the face of natural faith and Monotheism are uncovered and the truth is seen. People will then pray sincerely to their Merciful Lord for help, and He answers them. They go out of their darkness and are enlightened, but they may arrogantly ascribe partners to their Lord who delivered them from darkness, saying; it was the sunshine who removed the darkness and not Allah, while the sunshine was nothing more than a means and an instrument in the hands of God.

      As a matter of fact, troubles and adversities, will show man how weak and helpless he can be in spite of all the powers that he may think he has. Only a microb can knock down a mighty king, or a powerful hero! Here is where he may turn his attention to the source of all power and absolute goodness and beauty, Who is our Lord. On the other hand when Man has no trouble and lives in ease and affluence, he ignors all his weakpoints and attributes his success to his own merits and knowledge, as Korah did in time of Moses. He then does not find himself to give thanks to the source of all goodness and prosperities.

      Any way; their behaviour in poverty and also in affluence, both is unreasonable. They are either puffed up with pride and vanity, or lose their heart and hope.

      The last of the above verses (NO.36), illustrates the ideas of such men who have a low and limited capacity. They easily lose their control, and leave their will in the hands of vanity and pride, when they reach a state of safety and security. But as soon as a misfortune or adversity afflicts them, they think that all the doors of heavens are closed up, and no one looks after them from the above:-

      ``And when We have a Mercy on people to taste it, they will rejoice in it. But if something bad befalls them for what their own hands have sent forth, they abandon to despair.''

      Almost all our adversities and misfortunes, are the outcome of our own hands and our evil deeds. But Allah is the absolute goodness and mere beauty and virtue. Whatever of good we obtain is His, and whatever of evil touches us, is indeed ours. In God's realm of Mercy, an evil shall have one evil for reward, but a good deed will be requited tenfold and sometimes more.



Verses 33-36Verses 37-40