
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 10-16Verses 17-20

      In the above passage, there are seven instruction, in order to show the servants of God where are they to go. It begins with the virtue of avoiding evil:-

      ``Say:- O, My servants who have believed! Beware of Allah your Lord.''

      Fear of God or God fearing, is not to be afraid of a tyrant or cruel ruler. This kind of fear is always mingled with love, because it means that we are afraid to displease our kind and Merciful Lord. On this regard we have translated the Arabic, ``ETTAGHU'' to the English word, ``BEWARE'' which implies to be on guard of: In fact God fearing is a profound respect mingled with love and awe.

      2- The second instruction is to do Good deeds in this world, the reward of which is mere goodness, in both, this present life of us and in the Hereafter. The first instruction was a preventive and the second is an active one.

      3- Then there comes the third instruction which is ``emigration'', leaving the centre or the place of polytheism, and blasphemy, in order to join a people or place concordant with our faith and ideas.

      If in our home conditions are so that we cannot act according to our faith; the earth is extensive, and we may emigrate to other points or places of the land. We cannot plead that certain conditions have forced us to do so and so. If we attain the pleasure of our Lord God, it is in reality the fulfilment of all our desires if we could only know. The worst penalty in the spiritual sense is the displeasure of God.

      4- The fourth instruction is to be patient where circumstances are hard to bear. We have to stand firm against hardship and trouble,

because patients have been promised to be rewarded without reckoning. God is with those who are patient, and patience is the key to victory.

      Moslems in their first emigration had to endure a lot of hardship, in leaving their home and hearth and going on foot to Abyssinia, and then to Medina.

      5- In the fifth instruction the stress is put in adhering to Monotheism permanently, and in the sixth instruction, we are wanted to vie with one another, in submitting to God is will, and being true Moslems.

      6- Finally we are warned against disobeying our Merciful Lord and His punishment in Resurrection Day, and asked to worship Him sincerely and with a pure religion.

      The verse NO.15 does not give us permission to worship whatever we want besides God. Allah forgives not polytheism, but He may pardon sins that are below it. The verse includes a warning in a reproaching language, because a man of God in any condition follows the commands of God, unless he is frustrated unwillingly and in spite of his severe strife. But if some one deliberately seeks to fall from Grace to Evil what can help him. He who has a way and intentionally goes astray, let him go on to reach a blind dead lock.




Verses 10-16Verses 17-20