
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 20-24Verses 25-30

VERSE NO.20ِ24

      Following his ten important instructions and advices, Loghmän applies to the bounties and graces of the Merciful God, in order to induce the sense of gratitude in people, which is a means of knowing the Lord better, and it is also a stimulant for His worship:-

      ``Do they not see that Allah has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and He extended to you His visible and invisible bounties?''

      By the visible and invisible bounties He may mean the physical and spiritual Graces and favours of God. In other word, all the nature is made to serve Man if he should want to make good use of them. In spite of all that, still the place of Man relative to the position of God, is infinitely low, and incomparable.


      God in His infinite Mercy, has made Man His own viceroy on the earth and has given him the necessary faculties to subdue the forces of nature, and to discover some of the secrets of existence through his power of thought, knowledge and wisdom.

      The next verse refers to the weak and childish logic and reasoning of the non-believers:-

      ``And when it is said to them; follow that which Allah has sent down, they said:- ``We will rather follow that on which we found our ancestors.''

      This sort of opinion and ingratitude, cannot be anything other than Satanic Temptations.

      Some people have ruined their nature and have turned to antiprogress. They are disinclined to action or exertion, and are indolently content to stand on the foundation layed by their ancestors. They do not realize the fact that; ``Life means constant activity and progress in all aspects and respects.''

      Then the right way to prosperity, and something sure for Man to lean on has been shownِand that is to be with God, and to do good to His creaturesِparticularly to His servants:-

      ``And he who submit himself to Allah, and who is a good-doer, has indeed grasped a very firm hand-hold. And to Allah will rest the end of all affairs.''

      God is the base and foundation of all that exists, and all that may exist, and He is the final goal of all things, and all movements. He who therefore relies and leans on Allah, he has a sure and trustworthy reliance.

      We must put our trust on Allah, and commit ourselves to His care, doing our duties and leave Him to do His duty and wait to see the results.

      So, let the short period of life here, lead you not to an everlasting torment in the Hereafter.




Verses 20-24Verses 25-30