
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 1-5Verses 6-9

      In the first verse above (NO.2), the ``REVELATION OF THE BOOK'' is informative, and it is qualified by ``THERE IS NO DOUBT''.

      The polytheists frequently accused the prophet of forging the book himself, with the help of some foreigners like Salmän Farsi, and so, Allah rejects the charge saying:-

      ``Do they say he forged it? It is the truth from your Lord, by which you may warn a people to whom no warner had come before you, perhaps they be guided.''

      Some commentators have seen a conflict between the above verse (S 32:3) and that of (S 35:24) saying:-

      ``And there never was a people without a warner.''

      Here in the first verse there is a confession that the Arab people had not a warner before the advent of our prophet.

      Then in the second verse implies that the prophet is sent to them as a warner.

   There is no conflict between the two assertion because we may say that, God's promise, that all nations should have a warner, has been fulfilled by the advent of Mohammad (SA). Meanwhile we are not sure enough how long the people of Ghoraish lived without a warner, but at least a warner was sent to them to remove excuses.

      When our prophet was given the Holy Qurän, the earlier Scriptures were corrupted for difficulties that existed in writing, translations, and for human selfishness and fraud. Some manuscripts were lost or burnt by enemies, and many of the true believers who knew the Book by heart were martyred.

      Then Qurän was revealed directly from God, to give an end to disputes and to clear up the variances that had been caused by the perversion of earlier Scriptures.

      Then the verses apply to the creation of the heavens and earth, and the things in them in 6 days:-

      ``Allah is He who created the heavens and earth and to whatever is between them in six days.''

      Six days here is a signs of the relativity of time. In the verse NO.5 above one day is compared to a thousand years of our reckonings; and

in the S 70:4, one day has been equalled to fifty thousands of years. Therefore, our day may be a thousand years or 50 thousands of years more or less. This means that time is not a real and stable entity. It is a relative phenomenon such as the space that comes to existence in accompany with a physical thing or some material, and becomes non-existent if the occupying entity disappears.

      Astronomers say that our solar system was a great gaseous mass at first. After a series of events the gases hardened and planets separated from the sun, and began to revolve round it, while they themselves were spinning too!

Then there was a time that the earth was a perfect globe of tire. It took a long time till it became cold, and made suitable for the growth of plants and vegetation. In the nest day animals appeared on the earth, and after that man was created.

In is easy for God to create things at once and in a twinkle of an eye, but graduation and mid-creations too are some thing necessery that vave their own role to play in God,s wisdom and general plan.

The Arabic, esteva- Alal-ARSH may literally mean, he saton the throne. This however is not true with God who has not a physical somehow th him.

We therefore took the throne to mean that of the power and authority that Allah expanded and established throughout the universe.




Verses 1-5Verses 6-9