
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 9-12Verses 13-16

      Here attentions are attracted to the Originator and creation of the universe in general, and our home, which is the earth in particular, and whatever is around us of heavens and celestial bodies. Do we deny He who has created the heavens and earth!? Is it reasonable to associate partners with Him who has created the universe and Who is the only existing Lord God? What a shame of us to compare an idol, or a deified mortal, with our Ever living, Self-subsisting Creator?:-

      ``Say:- Do you disbelieve in Him who created the earth in two days, and you set up equals with Him? That's the Lord of the worlds.''

      In the next verse, reference is made to the development and evolution of the earth's surface, through which mountains and minerals were made, and its nutriments and other blessings apeared in two days.

      Here a question may be asked that, if the earth has been created in two days, and its contents were created in 4 days. Then to add the creation of the skies in 2 days, all these will make a total of 8 days; while Qurän has it 6 days in other verses elsewhere in several places!?

      The answer to this question is that, the said 4 days in the verse NO.10 includes the two days in which the earth was created, and another 2 days for its development, which all together makes 4 days for the earth and 2 days for the heavens.

      In other word the creation of the formless matter of the earth, was done in two different lengths of time, and then in another two periods the gradual development of the earth, i.e., its mountains, seas, animals, plants, and nutriments were made.

      As to the creation of the seven skies one above the other, the ending of the last verse (NO.12) is:-

      ``And We adorned the ``LOWER SKY'' with the lamps and a protection.''

      This implies that the lower sky contains all the stars, suns, moons, and in general, we may say all the celestial bodies that exists around our home. They are all stationed and positioned in the lowest of the seven skies, or in the first of them. As for the upper six skies no one yet knows what they are and what do they contain.

      Here we should commit to memory that the Arabic, ``KHALGH'' equal to creation, and the Arabic, ``JAAL'' equal to make up or to form, are different in meaning from the word, ``ENSHÄ'' which equals to the English word origination. So we should not think that the heavens have been created after the creation of the earth. In other word the skies have been created after the creation of the earth. All the skies, and the earth are originated of the same gaseous primeval matter or material then they have slowly come to form, after being a formless matter. After that the gradual evolution of the earth and the celestial bodies in our solar system, and elsewhere, occured. We read in S-79:27ِ31:-

      ``The skies were first constructed and their space and distance were chosen and their orbits were fixed. Then they were given their orders and regulations; and after that the earth was extended and developed, and its water and pastures and fixed mountains appeared.''




Verses 9-12Verses 13-16