
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 63-68Verses 69-71

      The reference here is again to another trick of the hypocrites who cunningly raised up questions to drive the believers into the dark fields of doubt and waverings. They frequently asked; when is that Day of Doom which we are promised.

      It also might have been that, some of the true believers for increasing their knowledge wanted to know more about that. Any how; the general answer was always this:- ``Only God knows the exact time of the HOUR.'' The fact of its coming is certain but the exact time has not been revealed in Qurän. Only a few signs of the approach of Resurrection

Day, have been mentioned. Had the time been revealed, it would disturb man's thought and life on the earth.

      As a matter of fact our Resurrection Day begins with our death which is a prelude to the story of final Judgement of our Lord, and as the time and space are confined in relativity, our hour, one year, and one age, are all the same thing! So the Hour is always near.

      There is an idea that we are dead or asleep in this life here, and when we die we shall be raised to a new creation, and a real life, which is beyond space and time. Therefore one must always be prepared to encounter with the hour that may appear out of a sudden, and no one should feel to be immune of its coming and vigour.

      Then the heathens and hypocrites are threatened by mentioning a part of their destiny and the painful punishment that they will have to suffer. They are cursed by Allah, and an abode of Blazing Fire has been prepared for them wherein they will have to dwell for ever, without finding any protector or helper:-

      ``The Day when their faces will turn otherwise through the Fire.''

      This verse implies that the personality of the sinners will turn upside down or becomes otherwise as a sign of disgrace and dishonour. There, the evil doers are in such an agony and extreme physical and spiritual pain, that their only wish is to have been obedient to God and to His Messenger. When they lost their chances, they will say:-

      ``Would that we had followed the right guidance.''

      Then when they are reminded, how did they blindfoldly obeyed their mischief maker chiefs, they accuse them of being the only cause of their stray:-

      ``Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and elders, and they misled us from your direct way. Our Lord! Then give them a twofold of punishment and curse them a great curse.''

      But they themselves too deserve a twofold of punishment. One for their own fault, and the second for helping the oppressors and the evil doers in doing their evil deeds. A tyrant or an evil doer chief, or any dictator, cannot be successful unless he is obeyed and helped. People should not give such devils a rope to hang them; and obey them not.




Verses 63-68Verses 69-71