
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 18-20Verses 21-25

      Then the argument goes on, about those hypocrites who withdrew from the field, and encouraged others to leave too:-

      ``Allah knows well those of you who hinder people from Jihad and say to their brothers; come to us, and they themselves do not come to fight, except for a little while.''

      They had inserted themselves among the believers, but had no faith. They were trying to render those who were weak in faith hopeless, and make them leave the battle-field, and turn their back to Jihad.

      It has been narrated that one of the believers went to the town on some duty. He found his brother in an entertainment.

      He said to his brother:- ``Woe upon you! We are in such a critical condition, and you are here in such enjoyment!?''

      His brother said to him:- ``You are only a fool! By the God on whom Mohammad swears, he will never return from this battle field of confederates. Then come here with us and enjoy yourself.''

      He answered:- ``You are no more than a liar. Victory is his by the will of God. I shall go and inform the prophet of what you say.''

      The Arabic, ``ASHIHHATAN'' translated to, ``COVETOUS'' may mean having a strong desire for possession, but unwilling to share their possessions with others. They used to spare themselves in the fight as compared with the Emigrants and Helpers, and contributed very little in the efforts, either in person or property. On the other hand when booty and spoils of war were to be divided they desired more share than the others and had inordinate demands.

      Then the verses apply to another characteristic of those hypocrites who were real cowards:-

      In times of danger, they expected the prophet to protect them, or to do something to relieve them of the fear of death. They gazed with their rolling eyes, as if death was going to catch them. But when the fear was gone they wrangled and showed their intense greed for a bigger share of the gains of whatever it could be.

      They were in fact no believers, and wavered in between. They also were not men of war and sacrifice. In times of fear, they lost control, and in time of victory; demanded more. So did they behave that, when at first they saw the crowded confederates surrounding their town, they trembled and their hearts came to their throats with fear! They tried to make flimsy and worthless excuses, in order to withdraw from the battle-field. Their mentality was so confused that they thought everything was over; and were even ready to betray their city to the enemy. But when the confederates scattered and run away, they expected the highest share of gain to be given them!:-

      ``....Then when the fear was over, they opened their sharp tongue for being eagerly desirous of goods and war spoils....''





Verses 18-20Verses 21-25