
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 05)
Verses 1-10Verses 11-12

      Here begins the chapter of Yä-Seen, which is sometimes called the heart of Qurän.

      According to some narrations from Imam Sädigh (AS), Yä-Seen is a mystical title of Mohammad our holy prophet (SA), where Yä is a vocative, and Seen is the title of Mohammad; perhaps denoting; ``SAYYID''.

      Then Allah swears by Qurän which is a book full of wisdom, and also a great evidence that Mohammad Mostafä (SA) is one of the Arch Messengers of God, who himself is guided by Allah, and guides people to Allah in a direct way. Qurän is a revelation sent down by the Lord God, Who is Exalted in Might and Compassionate to all.

      One of the most perspicuous proofs that proves Mohammad (SA) to be one of the greatests of God's prophets, is Qurän; the wonderful and clear sign of God. Mohammad (SA) himself was illiterate and unable to read and write.

      He never attended a school to learn something of a reading or writing. As a matter of fact, throughout Arabian deserts, and even in Mecca, there was no such a thing as school to teach anyone to read and write! There could be found some Jewish Rabbi, who tried to teach his son the art of reading, so as to become the father's successor in future. Mohammad was an elect of God and trained by Gabriel the Arch Angel, to be God's later Mercy and especial grace to all mankind. He was proud of saying, ``I am the creature and the Servant of God.'' The Qurän with which he was inspired, is the only unaltered and untampered Scripture that exists upon the earth. The Book is the message of God to His servantِa message of hope and peaceِa notice and also a good-news, from the Merciful Lord of the universe. Thus Allah raised Mohammad up from among a people, unlettered, uneducated and deep in paganism! Mohammad carried the Massage of God for mankind, and became the most important vehicle of the universal law and commandments of God to all kind of Man.

      Then the reference is to the main object and aim of sending the Glorious Qurän down:-

      ``That you may warn a people whose fathers have not been warned, and they are careless.''

      Some critics may see a contradiction between the phrase, ``Whose fathers have not been warned'' and the verse; S 35:24 which says:-

      ``We have sent you with truth, as a bearer, of glad-tidings and a warner; and there has not been a nation unless a warner has lived among them.''

      Here, by warner, an apostle such as our prophet may mean who is an open warner. On the other hand the pagans were not a nation (OMMAT) in its perfect sense of meaning, so as to have a king, a ruler, or an open warner, for themselves. They were scattered nomads, tent-dwellers, and clans or small tribes. Meanwhile, there always were some Jewish Rabbis who lived with them and warned them of idolatries; and also Christian priests and monks forbidding them of serving false gods.

      Therefore they were not entirely without warners. Eventually when they increased in number, and became a nation or an Ommat of Abraham but in perversion; the Arch Prophet Mohammad was sent to them with the Glorious Qurän, that its wonders are ever increasing. It may serve to wake up the sleeping minds and to remind the forgetful consciences, urging them to repent and return. It guides the strays to the straight path of their Lord and will shine God's Grace and knowledge over the dark hearts of those who are in despair. Then as a prediction there comes the verse:-

      ``Verily most of them deserve the word of punishment, and yet they do not believe.''

      Holy Qurän leads and guides people who have faith, in the best way, to reach and attain salvation and God's Mercy. But if people deliberately refuse to get God's favour, and obstinately block out all the ways for their return and amendment, they have in fact prevented God's Mercy and Grace to reach them, and in such cases they have no one to blame but themselves.

      Then the results of such rejection and disbelief have mystically been signified as the like of an iron collar or something like a yoke around their neck, to which a chain is usually joined.

      The Arabic, ``AGHLÄL'' plural for, ``GHOL'' is literally a circular strip worn about the neck to which a chain or a harness is connected. In ancient times it was an arched device laid upon the necks of the vanquished.

      The next two verses consist of more explanation to the above assertion about the sinful disbelievers:-

      ``And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, then We have covered them so that they cannot see their front and back!''

      ``And it is alike to them to be warned or not. They won't believe.''

      He who commits a sin secretly may think that no one will see him, or he shall not be questioned for his evil.

      But naturally the consequences of a sin will grasp the neck of the sinner just as a yoke or collar may be fastened round the neck of a cow that is ploughing a farmland!

      The field of a sin is similar to a marsh. At the beginning the foot sinks up to the ankle. If the sinner goes further in sinning, he sinks up to his knee-joint, and if he continued going on and on to the morass of sin so that his waist was caught, there will be no way for him to return. He will submerge and drown in the lagoon where there is no rescue. There the sinner who has deprived himself of God's Grace and Mercy can neither progress nor return because as Qurän says:- ``There is a barrier before and a barrier behind, and he is so covered that can see nothing.'' We seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan.



Verses 1-10Verses 11-12