The Day the Skies Will Be Like Molten Metal


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The Day the Skies will scatter like clouds The Day the earth too will splitThe Day they will hear the Shriek The Day when the lightning will roar

This is another explanation of the great changes that will occur in the universe on the Day of Judgment and it has come only once in verse 8 of Surah Maarij in the Qura’n and says:

“The Sky will be like the like the boiling filth of molten copper”

The Word “ Mohal” has been termed as molten metal, and sometimes like the residue of fat or something at the bottom of the cooking vessel, sometimes it is termed as molten silver and sometimes the residue of molten tar(1). When we scan the other verse about the Day of Judgment and its events then we find that the first meaning is better. The sky here means the dust particles of the skies that are like molten when they burst.

Some commentators say that there is this question there are many particles in the skies even today that are based on gases and they have condensed but will melt on that Day and this new formation of gases will be the herald of the impending Day of Judgment.(2)

The Day the Earth and the Mountains will tremble:

This information is present in two verse of the Qura’n with a little difference. In verse 14 of Surah Muzzammil it says:

“On the Day when the earth and the mountains will shake violently and the mountains will be a heap of sand poured out and flowing down.”

Verse 6 of Surah Naziat says:

“On the Day the earth and the mountains will shake violently.”

The day when the terrifying earthquakes will shake this world and the mountains will in smithereens like heaps of soft sand then what will be condition of the weak man?

All these are connected with the disasters that will result in the destruction of this world. A new world will then begin. The Qura’n has spoken about both jointly.

On the one side is the news about the weakness of man and on the other is the statement about the horrifying disasters that will end the world and then on the third side is the chaos of this world and the tumult of the gathering. All these changes are for the education of mankind and are repeated as warnings to it.

“Tarjufo”, “Rajifata” are derived from “Rajaf” which means a violent shaking. This is why a raging sea is called “Bahrur Rajaf”; the word “Arjaf” is used for spreading baseless rumors that shake the society. The term “Arajeef” is used for the roots of mischief.

In the above verses various interpretations have been given for the meaning of “Rajifa” e.g. The incident of the great shriek etc but from the other verse we learn that it means the earth that will tremble on that day.

The word “Kasiiba” means a heap of sand and some say it means “a sizeable dune of sand”. “Maheel’ means very soft sand that is slippery and so it can be termed as semi-liquid sand. (3)



1. Tafsir Majmaul Bayan, Kabeer, al Mizan and others for this verse.
2. Tafsir Fi Zalalol Qura’n vol. 8 pages 278 and 279
3. Mafuradat of Raghib, Majmaul Bayan, Tafsir Kabeer and the different commentaries about this verse


The Day the Skies will scatter like clouds The Day the earth too will splitThe Day they will hear the Shriek The Day when the lightning will roar