The Day When We will ask Hell “Are you full?”


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The Day they will be dragged in the Fire facedownOn the Day when hypocrite men and women shall speak

This des c r i p tion has come once in the Qura’n and is considered as one of the names of the Day of Judgment. This too is a horrifying des c r i p tion about the vastness of Hell and the great multitude of those who will go in it. It is a multitude that terrifies every person about the possibility of him being one in it.

Verse 30 of Surah Qaf says:

On the Day We will ask the Hell, “Are you filled?’ it will ask, “Are there more to come?”

This verse has been interpreted with two angles. The first says that it is possible that it may be an exclamatory denial. In answer to the question, “ Are you filled?” the Hell will ask “ Are there more?” means that there will no space left in it.

The second is that the verse says that there are more to come to Hell and then it like a hungry person it demands for more never being satiated and always on the look out for the destructive and unjust elements. It is not surprising that the Hell will never be satiated with the sinners and Paradise will never be full with the righteous ones. Some commentators have however, criticized this idea and said this is not according to verse 13 of Surah Sajdah that says:

“I shall fill Hell with Jinn and man together.”

The first interpretation seems more appropriate.(1) We can answer this objection and say that there are stages of being full like a utensil that is full but the person to whom it is given asks for something more to be put in it.

How will the Hell be question and how will it answer? Some people have said that this will be done through the angels that guard it and some have said that it will be done orally. We learn from the verses of the Qura’n and traditions that Hell is a living entity and so can speak. This verse can be interpreted in the literal sense too (2)

The message of the verse is that the residents of Hell are great in numbers and God’s warning to every one is absolute that be ware you might be one of them. This warning can enliven and awaken mankind and can convince him to desist from sins.



1. Tafsir Kabeer vol.28 page 174, Tafsir Ruhul Ma’ani vol. 26 page 170, Tafsir Al Mizan vol. 18 page 384 have recorded the objections of some commentators.
2. Tafsir Ruhul Bayan vol. 9 page 127 has presented many verses and traditions as proof about this meaning.


The Day they will be dragged in the Fire facedownOn the Day when hypocrite men and women shall speak