The quaking in the grave


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The Issue of the GraveWhat will be the questions about?

This issue too is found in great numbers in the archives of Hadith and it is said that this quaking of the grave will be for everyone without exception.

For some it will be severe and will according to their deeds but for some it will be light and comes as the compensation for their sins and negligence.

During the internment of the famous companion Saad bin Ma’az the Messenger said, “There is no believer who will not be subjected to the quaking of the grave.”

Imam Sadiq quotes on hadith from the Messenger in which he said: “the quaking of the grave for the believer is because of the bounties he wasted.”(1)

But from other traditions we learn that some believers will not be subjected to this quake. This happened to Saad bin Ma’az because he ill treated his family members. (2)

Those who have done good deeds (like going for Hajj many times and memorizing the Surah of the Qura’n) will remain safe from this quaking of the grave. (3)

The first stage in the event of rewards and punishment seems to be the quaking of the grave. (1) Will this quaking effect the material body first and then go on to the soul (because of the connection between the body and the soul) or will it affect the symbolic semi-spiritual body only? Here again there are two schools of thought. Since no great issue is solved by delving into these details we will limit our discussion and conclude that from various traditions wee find that there will be a quaking of the grave (2) Once such hadith tells us that when the Imam was asked how will there be the quaking if a person hangs from the gallows for a few days? The Imam replied: “the wind that surrounds him will be asked to crush him as in a quake.” (3)



1. Behar-ol-Anwar vol. 6 page 271 hadith 16 and 19
2. Behar-ol-Anwar vol. 6 page 271 hadith 14
3. Behar-ol-Anwar vol.6 page 271 hadith 14.
4. For more information see Safinatol Behar vol2 page 397
5.It has been stated earlier that the tradition about quaking of the grave can be the proof that this torment will be for the symbolic body (semi-spiritual) and then for the soul because this material grave cannot be transformed into the gardens of Paradise or the abyss of Hell fire.
6.Imam Sadiq was answering the question about the torment of the quaking of the grave and the person who has been hanging from the gallows for days. Behar-ol-Anwar vol.3 page 266 hadith 112. Behar-ol-Anwar vol.6 page 266 hadith 112


The Issue of the GraveWhat will be the questions about?