The Day of Grief


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The Great DayThe Day of Mutual Loss

This name has come in only one verse in the Qura’n. This is a very terrifying explanation of the Day of Judgment. That is the day of grief, regrets and shame.

 Verse 39 of Surah Maryam says:

“And warn them of the day of grief and regrets, when the matter is decreed, they are in a case of carelessness and they do not believe.”

The origin of Hasarah is Hasar. According to Mafuradat, Maqayis and other linguists it means to reveal. Then the word began to be used to mean the things that went out of hand and the imminent pain and hardship. The ignorance of man about the decided deeds is no more and the truth is revealed.

Some say that it means to put something behind e.g. when the rivers ebb the land previously under water are visible or when the person rolls up his sleeves then his arms are revealed though these deeds confirm the first meaning.(1)

Anyway grief, regret and remorse are an integral part of its meaning and the Day of Judgment indeed is the day of sadness, regret and remorse not only for the evil doers but also for those who have done goodness because when they will see the great rewards of God they will regret they will regret not having done something better. This is something that has been explained by some commentators (2). But Fakhr Razi says that only the evil doers will have regret and the residents of Paradise will have none because it is not possible for remorse and regret to be present there. (3)

But we should say that such remorse is greatness and is not a source of spiritual pain or punishment. (Reflect)

The grief and regret in this world can be corrected but not in the hereafter so this day can be termed as the true and great day of grief. This is what is said in verse 56 of Surah Zumur:

“Lest a person should say, “Alas! Woe to me for I have failed in my duty to God.”(4)



1. At-Tahqiq Vol.2
2. Tafsir Majmaul Bayan vol.6 page 515, Tafsir Ruhul Bayan vol.5 page 335, and Tafsir Ruhul Ma’ani vol.16 page 85.
3. Tafsir Kabeer vol. 21 page 221.
4. Surah Anam verse 31 has a similar meaning.


The Great DayThe Day of Mutual Loss