Purgatory or Barzaq


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Why fear death?Purgatory and its specialties

The word “Barzaq” denotes something between two things or two events. This meaning slowly began to have a wide connotation and so began to be used for something intervening between two things or two stages. (1)

Here the words mean that place which exists between the world and the hereafter. When the soul leaves the body it will remain in purgatory before it re-dresses in the same body.

We have various verses of the Qura’n and traditions to prove its existence although this can be proven through the contact between us and the souls.

The Qura’n has not discussed purgatory in details but has mentioned it at times only fleetingly. Despite this there are many verses which clearly speak about it and we obtain a strong premise about it.

With this brief explanation we now revert to the Qura’n and study the following verses whole heartedly:

Verses 99-100 of Surah Muminun:

“And when death comes to one of them, he says, “O my Lord! Send me back” 100. “So that I may do the righteous things I neglected.” No it is but a statement that he states. Behind them is purgatory, till the Day they are resurrected.”

Verses 169-170 of Surah Al Imran:

“Do not consider those who are slain in the way of God as dead. No, they live, and they get sustenance from their Lord. They rejoice in the bounty provided by Him; for the sake of those left behind, who have not yet joined them and their glory. They shall have no fear and they shall not grieve.”

Verse 154 of Surah Baqarah:

“And do not say of those killed in the way of God, “They are dead” No they are living but you do not perceive.”

Verses 46-47 of Surah Mumin:

“They will be brought in front of the fire morning and evening, and on the Day when the Hour comes to pass. Throw the people of the Pharaoh into the severest of punishment. 47.

And they will dispute in the fire; the weak will tell those were arrogant, “We followed you! Can you take away some share of the fire from us?’

Verse 25 of Surah Nooh:

“They were drowned because of their sins and were made to enter the fire and they found none to help them in place of God”

Verses 26 -27 of Surah Ya-Sin:

“And it was said, “Enter Paradise” and he said “I wish that my people knew that my Lord has forgiven me and has enrolled me among those held in high esteem”

Verse 55 of Surah Rum:

“When the Hour arrives on that Day, the guilty will swear that they had tarried but an hour; thus they were used to being deluded.”

Verse 11 of Surah Mumin:

“They will say “Lord! You have made us die twice and have twice given us life. We have now recognized our sins; is there any way out for us?”



1. Verse 20 of Surah Rahman speaks about the sweet water and sour water oceans which flow simultaneously. There is a screen, a Barzaq or purgatory between them which prevents one from over coming another.


Why fear death?Purgatory and its specialties