The Answer to a question


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The Day of judgment is like a new life for the dead landIntroduction

A very solid answer has been given to the deniers of life after death in this verse of the Qura’n through an example of sensation. It has made the evident to be the proof of the unseen and today as the witness of tomorrow because every once if not twice the dead land are reconverted to life through the pouring of the rains. It can be said that such things occur every day in this world and every day new plants spring forth from the earth and everyday man is presented with the proof of resurrection.

The question that now arises is that all scientists and Ulema of today in concurrence about their experience that only the living can be a source of further life? Or that the living things come out from the livings things only. Rains falling on the land with no seeds will have no effect of life?

The seeds are divided into two parts and the bigger portion is full of nutrition and the smaller part is like a living cell which uses the first after it gets rain for sustenance to spring forth from the earth as a plant. Had there been no living cells then it would have been impossible to rekindle life into the earth?

We answer this question by saying that indeed the living cell is a microscopic particle which absorbs the dead parts and then transforms them into living ones.

In order words a tree of dates which normally weighs one ton is a small cell in the seed originally and weighs nearly one milligram. Then it absorbs nearly one ton of mater from earth water and air when they are dead and it gives life to all of them. This is what is meant by the transforming of the dead earth into a living one.

The point to note is that the Qura’n says that dead earth comes back to life (but does not say that the dead tress or seeds come to life because they are not totally dead. The dead land becomes a part of the trees and transform into living cells.

If we study the origin of life on this earth then the issues becomes clearer because when the earth separated from the sun it was just a burning orb and naturally no life existed on it.

But when the earth cooled enough and became ready for the existence of the living things after it had experienced too much rain which softens the earth even more.

The secrets of the way the small sapling or plants come out of the earth are known to the scientists and thus a dead thing comes back to life. (Reflect).


The Day of judgment is like a new life for the dead landIntroduction