The weak points of this argument


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The materialists and the non-independent soul.The knowledge of the external world. (The attributes of manifestation)

The big mistake of the materialists is that they do not differentiate between matter and action.

 Let us take an example to illustrate why they cannot differentiate between the instrument and the action. (Reflect)

There was a great revolution after Galileo in the study of astronomy. He had made a small telescope f with the help of some opticians and was very happy about it. He used to spend his nights studying the stars of the firmament. He saw the sights that were astounding and never seen before by any man. He understood that he has created something unique and it was that day that the key to studying the stars in the sky came in mankind’s hands.

Till this day man was like a bird that could observe nothing but some branches around it but the moment he put the telescope to his eyes then he saw the various trees in the universe.

This science kept developing and now the great telescope have been created that have a lens diameter of more than a meter and they were installed in the pollution free atmosphere of the mountains and some times they are as big as a multi-storeyed building. Now man was able to see the sights more than a thousand percent more than he had ever seen.

You can just imagine if the technological development gives us a telescope with a lens diameter of a hundred meter and we are able to discover umpteen worlds.

The question is that suppose these telescopes are taken away from us then our knowledge of the skies and are observations will be incomplete but who observes us or the telescopes?

Is the telescope an instrument that we use to see the distance or is it an independent observer in itself?

It is impossible for the brain to think without its cells and no one doubts it but is the brain an instrument of the soul or the soul itself?

In short we can say that whatever arguments the materialists have given only prove that there is link between our understanding of things and the brain cells but none of them prove that the brain analyzes the things and is not an instrument. (Reflect)

It is now clear that a dead body does not understand anything and this is because of the severance of the soul from the body. It does not mean that the soul is dead. It is similar to the wireless of a sea vessel becoming dysfunctional but the captain and the crew are one board but the people on the shores cannot contact them because the instrument has become defunct.


The materialists and the non-independent soul.The knowledge of the external world. (The attributes of manifestation)