

صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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The ConclusionThe possibility of resurrection and the logic of the objectors

As far as understanding religion is concerned through educative effects Qura’n has given extra-ordinary importance to the issue of the Day of Judgment and cited various verses as proof. These arguments and proofs can be divided into two important segments:

The First Part is based on the proof and arguments that prove the event of resurrection and the life after death.

The second Part consists of those proofs and arguments which are answers to the objections raised by the disbelievers. Those who say that life after death is impossible base their arguments on various interpretations.

Qura’n has placed intellectual, sense based and experience based argument and has proven the irrefutability of the Day of Judgment in clear terms.

The nature of the discussion demands that we should first discuss the possibility of life after death and then from the point of total rejection take it to the point of total acceptance. Only then should we discuss the proof that prove the necessity and occurrence of resurrection so that we may have a true understanding of it and also learn about its different stages.

The point that we stress here is that the possibility of life after death and its debate is against those who were against the physical resurrection.

But Qura’n insists that the return of the Spirit and the body is indeed possible because we have discovered various incidents and events related to it.

Qura’n adopts various pleasing way for them and they can be enlisted under 6 heading as below:

The verses regarding the origin of the universe and man.

The verses regarding promulgation of the will of God.

The verses regarding the enlivening of the earth.

The verses regarding the changes in the infant.

The verses regarding the return of strength.

The verses that prove the history and occurrence of resurrection.

Before we determine to whom the Qura’n is addressed and what points have been presented in the verses it is necessary that we present the objections of the disbelievers about resurrection through the verses of the Qura’n. The same logic is repeated today and the disbelievers take their help only.

So we begin the discussion on the possibility of resurrection and first present the logic of the objectors and their ideology.


The ConclusionThe possibility of resurrection and the logic of the objectors