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3. The issue of the changes in the matter of the body during life4. The scarcity of clay need on earth

If we keep in mind all those human beings who have set foot on this earth and all those who will do so before the Day of Judgment and consider the fact that they will all become dust then there will be a huge amount of clay on earth while it is difficult for the clay on earth to fulfill this number of people. We can say that we will be resurrected in the form of stunted men and women then it too will seem very odd. The creation of men from the clay available is like the creation of a million cars from a thousand tons of steel.


It would have been very good if the people who raise such objections gave themselves a little trouble and sat with pen and paper to briefly calculate then they would have realized that their objections are far from reality.

We should keep in mind that approximately 56 to 70 % of the human body is constituted of water and the matter is only 35% but we suppose that the entire weight of the body is due to matter.

What do you think will be the weight of a cubic meter of clay? Nearly to three tons! If a normal average weight of human beings is 60Kgs then on cubic meter is enough for 40 people.

According to this calculation one cubic meter which is one 10 billion meter of clay will be enough for 8 times more population. It should be noted that in earlier times the population of earth was very little compared to the present and there could not have come more than 40 billion people on this earth.

Now one cubic meter is not even 1% of the size of earth and is not regarded as anything. Now you should think that if instead of one cubic meter we have a hundred thousand and one cubic meter then even it is nothing compared to this entire earth. So we will now face such calculations that will clarify our position on this issue.

Now that you have taken the trouble of this calculation let us take a tour of the world’s horizon.

What do you think is the average age of a person?

It should be fifty years (+ -) a little.

So one cubic meter of earth can contain at least 8 generation for at least 400 years ( In the sense that the previous generation should be taken as equal to the current population which of course was not so)

For one million years of human inhabitation only 2500 cu meter of clay is required and for 4 million on 10,000 cu meters would be required. We know that in any sense the human inhabitation of earth has not crossed 4 million years and we do not know after what time this world will cease to exist.

What ever be the calculation the total inhabitation of humans in history will need only a small portion of land. A place of 10,000 square meter with one kilometer in depth.

Since it was not difficult for us, we have been able to very generously calculate it. We have neither calculated the water in the human body and we have not also considered the number of people in the previous generations to be less which of course it was compared to today’s population and have kept a scope for a long period in the future.

Considering the earth’s clay to be insufficient for human population can only be the whim of some one who does not know this simple calculation, or the bumpkin who talks with reason or calculations.


3. The issue of the changes in the matter of the body during life4. The scarcity of clay need on earth