The Conclusion


صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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The Day that cannot be doubtedIntroduction

The detailed discussion about the names of the Day of Judgment in the Qura’n has told us that there at least 70 names for it. The names here do not mean the proper noun called “A’llam” in Arabic but those explanations that have been given by the Qura’n. they all start with the word “Yom” though we have divided them into two segments:

1. the names that have only one word like “The day of Rising”, the Day of Judgment, the day of religion, and the day of accounting. There 24 such names.

2. the names that are explained through a sentence constitute the rest after the first 24.

All these 70 names are very beneficial and meaningful. They are like 70 windows to look at the Day of Judgment and describe the events of that day from the resurrection of the dead to the entry of the believers in Paradise and the sinners in Hell.

These 70 names present a very vivid picture and lucid des c r i p tion of the Day of Judgment. All that they say will occur on that Day. It is not possible that man will not be affected by them after he studies them in details.

The purpose was to enlighten mankind through these des c r i p tions for each speaks about something unique and special about the resurrection. The aim was to enjoin mankind to the right path and to bring them out to purity from contamination, to piety from lust of the world, to righteousness from mischief, to belief from polytheism and to light from darkness.

 Qura’n definitely is a book that teaches and has a program of its own.

Join the names together and see them through your hearts, pause at each one of them and listen to what it says, what it wants and what is the picture that it shows about the ultimate fate of mankind? And then we should draw lessons from them.

Lord! Give us the understanding and the sight that today we can see that Great Day from different angles that you have spoken about in the Qura’n. that we can hear their messages and remember the meanings of these names and that we prepare ourselves for that Great Day


The Day that cannot be doubtedIntroduction