B. They are not bigger or smaller


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The Avoidance of a DoubtThe manifestation of the soul is not compatible with the physical conditions

Suppose we are sitting on the shores of a beautiful ocean and some small boats and a sea going vessel are plying. The setting sun is displaying its glory and the rising moon is enchanting us. Beautiful birds are cruising the sea waves and across the ocean a large mountain seems to be kissing the sky.

Now close you eyes for a few moments and try to store what you have seen in your minds.

The scene with the mountain in all its glory, the vast ocean with its blue dress, the boats and the ship will all be saved in our minds as our soul or thought is a giant screen.

The question where is the place in which we save such a great and large scene? Do the tiny brain cells have the capacity to store such a large scene? It cannot be so. It is therefore, necessary that there must something in our bodies that is above the material creation and be so vast as to record this scene.

We have a plan for a building covering 500 meters. Is it possible for us to complete the same in a few meters?

The answer is definitely ‘No” because a large thing cannot be equal to a smaller one. To be equal they must have the same properties or the map for the building should be made small. So how can we imprint such big plans on the minute brain cells?

 We can record the 400million meters of this world in our minds. We can imprint a twelve hundred thousand times large sun and hundreds of thousands larger galaxies in our thoughts. It is impossible to imprint them on our minute brain cells because the law says that large things cannot be equal to the small ones. So we have to admit the presence of an extra ordinary thing above the limbs of the body that can record all these scenes.

A Question:

It may be said that our mental diagrams are like microfilms or like the geographical maps which mention below in a corner the scale to which they are calculated.

 It tells us that the map has to be enlarging according to this ratio to achieve the original size. When we want to depict the size of a large ship it is not enough to just take its photograph but that photograph should be taken with someone standing on the deck so that the enormity can be gauged through comparison.

The Answer:

The important problem here is that the microfilm is enlarged through projectors on the screen and the scales denoted below the maps help us to multiply and make a life size map in our minds. The question is where is the screen on which our microfilm is screened?

Is this screen the cells of the brain? It is not so and that map that we will enlarge will also require a space. Are these small cells enough for this work?

We can state in clearer language that whatever is there on the microfilms or the large maps has been imprinted on the small films but our mental maps are life size and surely a big space is need for it but we know that the neuron cells are very minute and will not be able to print these maps.

In short we imagine these mental maps in life size as they actually are and such a big picture cannot be embossed in such small cells because it needs a wide space and so we discern the presence of something above these cells which is called soul.


The Avoidance of a DoubtThe manifestation of the soul is not compatible with the physical conditions