The Last Day


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Yomul Qiyamah The Day of Accounts

The other name that is repeated very often in the Qura’n is “Ad-darul Akhira” “Alyom-ol-Akhiru” and “Al Akhira”. This name has come 140 times in the Qura’n.

Verse 177 of Surah Baqarah signifies the meaning of doing well when it says: Righteous is the one who believes in God and the Last Day and the angels, the book and the apostles.”

In verse 83 of Surah Qassas the book says, “The home of the hereafter we will assign to those who do not rebel against the truth with pride.”

Then in verse 4 of Surah Baqarah the book says, “And they believe with certitude in the hereafter.”

All the three names cited above are opposite to the des c r i p tion of the world which is called “ the first form of creation” as the Quran in verse 62 of Surah Waqiah says: “ And indeed you have already known the first form of creation , why then do you not remember and take heed?”

Verse 4 of Surah Duha says, “And indeed the hereafter is better for you than the present.”

Late Tabrisi writes in Majmaul Bayan:

The Hereafter is so named because it comes after this world and the world is called “Duniya” because it is closer to the people (the origin is “Dunnu”. Some have said that it is called so because of its inferiority to the hereafter.” (1)

A similar explanation has come in both Tafsir Ruhul Bayan and Tafsir Fakhr Razi also. (2)

Normally this explanation tells us that the journey of man begins from this world and continues to the end of the hereafter. This world is a stoppage in this journey and the hereafter is the final abode.

This is like a voice of awakening for all mankind that they should consider this world to be a permanent abode, never attach their hearts to it, do not consider it to be the final goal and do not spend their talents on it but they should consider it as a path, which should be used to attain the next world.



1. Tafsir Majmaul Bayan vol.1 page 40
2. Tafsir Ruhul Bayan vol.1 page 41 and Tafsir Fakhr Razi vol.2 page 32


Yomul Qiyamah The Day of Accounts