The Aim of death and life


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The Proof of fearing DeathThe severity of purgatory and the dying moments

Human life is limited and every living thing will face death. The first question that comes to the mind is “What is the aim of this death and life?”

The 7th verse under discussion speaks about this:

““ Blessed is He in whose hands is the dominion; and He has power over all things 2.He who created death and life, that he may try which one of you is best in deeds and He is mighty exalted and oft-forgiving.”

God first introduces the creation of death and life, as the outcome of His unlimited power and then said: “the purpose of this creation is the trail of deeds, a trail that educates and nurtures mankind on the way to God.”

We draw the following conclusions from this verse:


1. Death and life are both creations. Had death signified annihilation and destruction then it would be meaningless as a creation. Since death is the transportation from one world to another it is a thing that exists and is created.

2. Death exists before life. Either this speaks about life in the hereafter or the resurrection of mankind after being interred and turning into dust or may be both.

3. This world has been introduced as the arena of trials; an arena which is the place of trails for the best of the people and the result of this trial will be declared in the hereafter.

4. The criterion for man’s placement in the court of God is his deeds. It is crystal clear that the fountain head of good deeds is pure intention, pious belief and the heart of a true believer because his deeds reflect the same. This may be the reason for the Messenger to explain the term “Ahsanu A’mlan” as:

It means who among you is perfect intelligence. God is far stronger than they believe and is more aware of everything even though you voluntary deeds may be but a few” (1)

So we understand that the explanations given variously for the term “Good Deeds” like since deed, the development of the mind, the remembrance of death, the readiness for this journey etc are all interlinked with each other. They are not considered as separate and different explanations because they all the branches of the same tree, the leaves, roots, twigs, the trunk and the fruit.

5. The true criterion for deeds is the condition and not the paucity or its size. It often happens that a simple deed, filled with faith and realization has precedence over others because of its superior condition. Imam Jafar Sadiq has explained it as:

“The aim is not to define who does more but who does the correct and true deeds” (2)

The works of God are all purposeful and not aimless as these ignorant people claim them to be.

It is possible that a person may feel isolated and weak in this arena of trails and may become despondent because of his sins, this is why the end of the verse states that God is exalted and oft-forgiving to dispel this fear and he has been told that you are not alone. Do not be perturbed by the size of the test or trial. Submit to God and if you have committed mistakes then pray for them to be forgiven.



1. Tafsir Majmaul Bayan vol. 10 page 322
2. Usul Kafi vol. 2 page 16 Hadith 4


The Proof of fearing DeathThe severity of purgatory and the dying moments