Self created problems


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The philosophy of differences and schismThe Qura’n and the self created hardships

There are many problems in human lives caused by men only though many people try to absolve themselves of lethargy and ignorance and put the blame on other factors. They attribute all these things including their lethargy to God and then ask “What kind of justice is this?” But if we only look deeply that these disasters, failures and hardships are brought by us only and we are individually and collectively responsible for the same though we try to absolve ourselves. Most hardships that result from tyrannical rule are of this nature because the oppressors are always few in numbers and tacit acceptance of their doings without validity makes them stronger and so they sit on our necks causing thousands of hardships.

A lot of diseases result from gluttony and lust; many failures exist because of not reading the conditions properly and not listening to the people with due knowledge. This often happens because of selfishness and vanity about our own perceptions.

Dysfunction always leads to hardships and differences and separation cause destruction. It is strange that most people do not understand this cause and effect and attribute everything to God.

A lot of hardship exist because of oppression by one on another or one group on all e.g. we hear that every year five million people in the world die of hunger and more people fall ill or die due to consumption of contaminated food. It is not that God is not kind on them but it is because some people or some government have taken undue advantage of the authority God allowed them to have so the usurped the rights of others. The settlement of this group became the cause of unsettlement of others.

People have died of hunger because some rich nations who have forgotten God threw their surplus grains into the sea or destroyed by other means or even let it rot while they suffered many diseases because of gluttony.

We find that children are born carrying diseases due to the alcohol abuse and bad food habits of their parents and this is injustice that the parents have meted out on the child and society. (The parents and the leaders of society are responsible for this not God). It is just like a parent gouges his son’s eyes or the Pharaoh’s slaughter of new born babies). We should never attribute these hardships on God for these are self created tragedies created by men for themselves and others.


The philosophy of differences and schismThe Qura’n and the self created hardships