The Explanations of Mafuradat


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God Is TruthfulThe Explanation of Verses

The origin of the word “Sadiq” is “Sidq” and according to Raghib its opposite is “Kazab” or lies. Actually this is a style of speech sometimes truth and sometimes lies, at times exclamatory and at times used in deeds and prayers e.g. Some one says, “Is that person at home?” It means I do not know whether any one is at home or not. Some times we say, “He is lying!” which means that some person actually knows that a certain person is at home.

Truth is established through belief and events so if some one says something according to the situation but not according to belief then he will be called a liar. E.g. the Hypocrites used to come to the Messenger and say, “We give witness that you are the Messenger of God” but the Qura’n says they were lying.

Some times truth and untruth are weighed through the actions and deeds; the person who fulfills his duties as a must will be truthful but if he does not then he will be termed a liar e.g. when a person does jihad as it should be done he will be called a person truthful in Jihad but if he does not then will be called a liar in battle. God said, “The truthful dream from God that the Messenger and this was said when the Messenger dreamt of the victory of Makkah and the triumphant entry into the precinct of the Ka’ba. This is also an example of God’s truth. (1)

“Sadaqa’ is that wealth that is given away with the desire of closeness to God and it is also said that by giving it a person proves his truthfulness and sincerity. The dowry is called “Sadaaq” because it is the active proof of a man’s sincerity in front of his wife. The commentators vehemently disagree with the definition of “Sadaq” in Mafuradat both according to the reality and according to faith. Some say that only compatibility with belief is sufficed. Some say that compatibility with only the reality and event is enough. (This is not the place for explanation.)

Ibn Faris writes in Maqayis-ol-Lughata that “Sadaq’ is the special strength present in everything and if the word is called “Sidq” according to reality and event it means that it has strength. A strong lance is called “Rumah Sadaq”.

The dowry of a woman is called Sadaaq because it is her right and a strong force also but Mafuradat opinion about this matter seems more acceptable and the rest of the linguists are following this line.

According to Khaleel bin Ahmed in Sharah Qamoos “Sadaq’ means to be complete or perfect. He then adds such creations that have strength and stability are called Sadaq. (Like the strong lance). And this is also said due to its truthfulness and perfection praising its hardness. But if Sadaq meant hardness and strength then every strong thing would have been called Sadaq but it is not so.

Siddiq is a person who is more truthful or someone who never lies or someone for whom there is no possibility of lying because truthfulness has become his nature. It is also used for a person who is truthful in belief, uttering and deeds. (This is because Siddiq is a hyperbole and may have been used as such in this instance.)

The term “Lisanus Sidq” is used when a person is pious and good in all sense and it will be truthful if he is praised.

There are many sides to the word “Sidq” when it is used for God.

The truth in the news; the truth of the promise He has made in connection with the good and bad people. He proves and manifests whatever He says and this is discerned from the verses. We will discuss in the explanation of this verse.



1. Mafuradat for the origin of Sadaq in short.


God Is TruthfulThe Explanation of Verses