The Explanation and the Message


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INTRODUCTIONThe Explanation and the Message

The origin of “Khaliq” is “Khalq’ which means assessment and creation without any previous example. (1)

Some linguists believe in two basic meanings; one is already mentioned (assessment and creation without any previous example) and the second meaning is clean and even.” (2) It is quite possible that both may be reverting to the same source i.e. assessment, and the creation without any previous example. The mention of creation and the attribute best Creator refers to the same. Their meaning are different; creation is only the creation by God that means creating something from the unseen without any preset example but in human creation means reconstruction or the creation of something from those that have already been created and then giving it a shape and existence or many shapes .

Matter has not been created by man nor is he created by himself. Khaliq means creator and Khallaaq means creator of abundance and both have vast meanings that include the entire creation or universe which includes the heavens, earth, the spiritual and the material world.

The power to create is one of the greatest sign of God because where you go you find the signs of His creativity and every attribute of God is a message for mankind and the Qura’n which is the book for upliftment and nurturing of humans describes it as a message. This also tells man that the proof his existence are the signs of his existence. Knowledge will help you preserve your existence and if you are not leaving anything behind then you will never resemble the sign of God it will be as if you had never been created and that you never accepted His path.

You should try and leave your footprints behind and try to create the shining attribute of God within yourselves.

Fatir – Baree’- Faliq- Badee’- Mosawwir

All these five attributes reflect His creative attribute but they also contain

new meaning. Let us discuss the following verses:

Verse 101 of Surah Yusuf says:

O Creator of the heavens and the earth.(3)

Verse 24 of Surah Hashr says, “He is God the Creator, the Originator and the

Designer.” (4)

Verse 95 of Surah Anam says, “It is God who splits the grain seed and the date stone.”

Verse 96 of Surah Anam says, “It is he who cleaves the darkness to bring forth the daybreak”

Verse 101 of Surah Anam says, “He is the wonderful Originator of the heavens and the earth” (5).



1. Mafuradat Raghib al Isfahani
2. Maqayis-ol- Lughata
3. This kind of explanation is found in 6 verses in the Qura’n i.e. Anam-4, Ibrahim-10, Fatir-1, Zumur-46, Shura-11 and the verse cited above.
4. See the verse 54 of surah Baqarah also.
5. this is also explained in verse 117 of Surah Baqarah
INTRODUCTIONThe Explanation and the Message