He has the keys of the Treasures of the Unseen


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God is aware of all things manifest and evident.GOD IS THE KNOWER OF THE UNSEEN

The fourth verse speaks about God’s vast knowledge in full details. It is first said, “With Him are the keys (of the treasures).” (3) Then it reverts from the unseen to the manifest and says, “none but He knows what is the in the land and the sea.” It then says, “not even a leaf falls but He knows” adding , “neither it nor a grain in the darkness of the neither earth, nor anything wet or dry but (it is) in a clear Book.”

This is one of the verses in which the knowledge of God has been explained in the most lucid and clear manner. It tells us about His knowledge of the desert and the oceans and the things existing therein, the falling of the leaves, and even those seeds that have been carried by the winds lying in gorges for the rains to come to bear fruit. All these have been included in the knowledge of God.

When we study deeply we will be astounded about His knowledge of the millions of creatures living on the land and under the seas.

Consider the trees and the amount of leaves that fall to the ground at each moment in all the places on earth; the seeds sown by mankind and the wind, the movement of the insects, the floods and other calamities that affect the earth lying under the land the seeds that desire to burst forth as saplings from the earth, consider all these and they think about God who is aware of each one of them in details. We will now understand that it is easy for Him to scrutinize our deeds. The infallible Imams have said that the “darkness in the land” refers to the women’s wombs and “Hubba” means sons while “Warqa” is the still born child. “Ratb” means the fertile semen and “Yabis” means the infertile one.

Some Sunni commentators like Alosi in Ruhul Ma’ani have expressed surprise about this tradition and said that it is against the evident meaning of the verse.

Yes it is true that the verse seems to speak about the common seed but this Hadith symbolically analyses the verse because there is no difference between the seed and the semen and in the same manner there is no difference between the folds of the earth and the mother’s womb. He knows about the first knows about the second and they are both similar. (1)

The Imams of the Ahlulbait are aware of the manifest as well as the hidden meanings of the Qura’n. This interpretation may be one about the hidden meanings.

The commentators have interpreted “Ratb” and “Yabis” in many ways, “Ratb means the present living ones and Yabis means those that are now dead.”

Rutab means the believer and Yabis means the disbeliever.

Ratb means that which is presently alive and Yabis means the frozen.

Ratb means the one with knowledge or the learned one and Yabis means the ignorant. (2)

Surely these but symbols because the verse has a generality where it includes everything in the universe and such things are sued in daily parlance also.



1. Tafsir Burhan mentions 5 traditions from Imams Jafar Sadiq, Musa Kazim and Muhammad Baqir.
2. Ruhul Bayan Vol. 3 page 44; Ruhul Ma’ani Vol. 7 page 149.
God is aware of all things manifest and evident.GOD IS THE KNOWER OF THE UNSEEN