A short but composite answer


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The difficult issue of the effect of calamities in human livesQura’n and the composite explanation of the calamities

We will get the answer to our problem if we study the following points very closely:

A. There is no doubt that our knowledge about the unseen is very negligible and our knowledge about the creation of the world is like a drop in the ocean or a grain of rye against a mountain.

All the thinkers’ materialist and spiritualists as well admit the same. So the decisions that we take about the events of this world are naturally according to our knowledge and not complete. If we do not know the causes of hurricanes and earthquakes it does not mean that we should deny their very existence. Do we have sufficient knowledge to compare the positives that can be discerned from the negati8ve devastation of hurricanes and earthquakes?

In the olden days we regarded such problems as calamities but today modern science has told us that there are positive results of these disasters. In the olden days a child’s crying was regarded as an indication of his problems and a source of irritation for his parents but today we know that if a child did not cry it would not survive because crying is the best exercise of an infant and it helps develop his breathing. The rotation of blood is re-systemized and helps develop its limbs for it feeds the body and so his hands, legs and stomach sinews and limbs are strengthened. The excess accumulation of water is removed from the brains through his wailings. Such examples are very many these days.

 Moreover the profoundly strange things that we observe in this universe has been discussed under the heading of “realization of God” We learn that there is an intelligence personified and unlimited that rules the whole system.

We have already read in the attributes of God that He depends on nothing; He knows everything in its reality. We cannot even imagine His divine presence. Where is the proof that such an entity is unjust on its creation? Whatever injustice or division we preserve in this world is the result of our limited knowledge.

We can say more clearly that just as there are commandments and symbols in the Qura’n most of the verses seem easily understandable but some verses are ambiguous and are not without doubts. Qura’n has given us a very logical solution that we should search for the meaning of the ambiguous from those that are clear commandments. When we merge and study them we will be able to remove our doubts.

There are many commandments in this created universe and they are very beneficial. WE see some “Mutashabihat” like earthquakes, and typhoons that sometimes take place and we also see the defects that we see in mankind. The intelligence tells us that the defects will be accounted while there are great numbers of original and perfect creations but we cannot discern the truth because of our limited knowledge.

Now if there is a book of a 100 pages full of great meanings and intelligent discussions that enlighten the truth but some explanations may be weak or questionable so will we deny the wisdom and knowledge of the author because of them or will think that we may not have been able to understand these meanings because of our limited knowledge?

When we see a great palace which is the symbol of architectural excellence but we cannot understand a minor constructional detail then should we reject the builder or ourselves? This is when we know that the builder has not been neglectful in his professional capacity and his intentions too were good.

In short we should not keep only the calamities like typhoons and earthquakes in mind but should consider the entire universe and then decide. We will come to the conclusion that there are certain mysteries and we are unaware of them. These of course may be understood as times passes and knowledge increases as it has been seen in the past. But there is a possibility that some mysteries may always remain secret. We will of course conclude these are no defects but things that we are unaware of.


The difficult issue of the effect of calamities in human livesQura’n and the composite explanation of the calamities