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After center had been changed (from Jerusalem to Ka’aba) the Jews tried to put doubts in the minds of the Muslims and make this change an accusation against the Messenger for having changed his stance. It wa then that the first verse was revealed and said both the east and the west were for God; “To God belong the east and west; God is wherever you face; verily He is all pervading all-knowing.”

He is present everywhere and is aware about everything so no matter where you turn you will find Him there. The Qibla or the center is required to keep the believers attentive to a place and not that God needs a house. His existence is so encompassing that He is everywhere and yet He does not have a station or a place.

The east and wet mentioned in the verse is not the geographical east and west but it is a symbolical reference to anywhere in the world so when we say that the enemy hid the glory of Ali and the friends kept them secret in fear yet His glory is discussed all over the world and we say that his praise encompasses the east and the west.

“He will be wherever you turn” is a shining example of God being above the need of any place.

 Because to present everywhere means either His physical presence is so enormous or that He encompasses everything without having a body? We understand that this sort of imagination is very far fetched because he has no parts and the Qura’n says, “Neither God is here nor a part of Him is there.” (Reflect). It may also be construed that He may have no station and may not need one. Then His presence will be equal every where and near or far will have no meaning for Him.

It should be remembered that the term “face of God” in the Qura’n means the presence of God. Since the term face is apart of human body and contains the five great powers of sense so this is word is often used for God. Some commentators have taken it to means the acceptability of God or the reward of God is wrong.

The second verse admonishes the idolaters who believed in god having a son. After declaring God to be above such things the verse says, “To God belong the east and west; God is wherever you face; verily He is all pervading all-knowing.”

There is no fixed place for His Godship for it encompasses all things because He is present everywhere and that is why He is aware of everything plus all His deeds are full of wisdom. What we learn here is that only His entity is full of knowledge and wisdom because the knowledge and windstorm of all others are fallacious and full of ignorance.

History tells us that the polytheists believed all creations to be godheads. They had a god for the heavens, a god for earth, one for river and another for the desert, a god for war, another for peace etc. This verse rejects all of them and says that it is the omnipotence of the one God that encompasses the universe.

Some commentators believe this verse is the best proof that God is not settled in the heavens and is equally attached to both the heavens and the earth. It is credibly known that God has no house for himself on earth nor does He have an abode in the heavens. (1)

Some commentators feel that the verse says that he is the God in the heavens and on earth. The angels worship Him in the heavens and humans are prostrating before Him on earth

There is a Hadith about the atheist Abu Shaker Desani who lived in the days of Imam Jafar Sadiq. He told Hisham bin Hakam and there is a verse in the Qura’n compatible with out ideology. Hisham asked about the verse and he said, “He is the Lord in the heavens and the Lord on earth” and this verse tell us that He has abodes in the heavens and the earth. Or it tells us that there are many gods.

Hisham Ibn Hakam said that he could not refute this claim till he went to Imam Jafar Sadiq and informed him. The Imam said, “These are the words of a blasphemer. When you go back ask him, ‘What is your name in Kufa?’ he will say, “Such and such” then ask him ‘What is your name in Basra?” he will give a name. Then tell him that it is the same with our lord. He is the Lord of the earth and the heavens; in the rivers and in the desert and He is God everywhere” Hisham said that he returned and searched Abu Shaker out and repeated what the Imam had said. After hearing it all he said, “This argument has come from Hejaz and it is not yours. (2)

This interpretation is about God being above all places. It is like say two added to two is four. He is the Lord on earth and the heavens and the entire universe. This is not the same like some mathematical formula for He is every where because of His omnipotence and yet he has no fixed station or place. (Reflect).



1. Tafsir Kabeer vol. 27 page 232
2. Tafsir Nurus Saqlain vol.4 page 618Hadith 98

