Hardships that re-awaken


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Link between sins and tribulations in Islamic traditionsQura’n and the hardships that re-awaken

There is no doubt that some severe hardships have a profound effect on the human soul and remove the vanity and pride as well as re-awaken them from their dreams bringing them out of the clutches of lust and greed. Some tribulations come as a turning point in human life and become the reason for turning men towards the good things in life.

The abundance of bounties, the power of authority and health and well being at times make men too proud and they forget themselves. They consider all the gifts of God as their own achievements and consider themselves superior to others as if they would live for ever. They then turn in to dangerous, unjust, hoarders of wealth and greedy. If there are no tribulations in their lives then they not only destroy themselves but also others.

This is the time when God decides to be benign and helps man. He then faces the tragedy of losing someone dear to him and he cannot find him again, the earthquakes destroy the houses and some hurricane of lightning destroys his wealth.

He begins to tremble and sometimes he awakens and begins to think and then leaves his sinful life to adopt a decent one. We find speed barriers on the highways so that the drivers do not sleep while driving and this is also the case of human beings.

They meet barriers that make them tremble and so that they wake up and be safe from destruction. This is true for an individual, a society and also for the entire mankind. The philosophy of some tragedies is highlighted.

Today inventions have brought man to such a stage that the entire universe has become his playground. Man has reached the planets in this solar system through his artificial satellites and every day some new and strange discoveries are being made.

Transplantation of organs has become common and electronic equipments and computers are being used. These may make the scientists and the engineers proud but when the know that despite great efforts millions of scientists have been unable to discover a cure for cancer and this disease still stands and then the disease of aids which evolves from microbes and nearly invisible viruses has startled everybody.

The point to note is that this disease has evolved in the developed nations and this has made the thinkers tremble. This is when man realizes his insignificance and weaknesses and understands he stands nowhere against God and his creations.

We cannot deny that some people do not learn any lessens from this and continue in their disbelief, totally lost in their dreams but it is also true that one group does realize and comes to a conclusion; reforms itself and considers this to be very important.

No one should doubt that we are not saying that all hardships are of this type and we do not also say that we should submit to the hardships and not face them but we are saying that some very severe tribulations are so painful that man has no power to face them. Some of them are included in our discussion and they are regarded as those hardships that re-awaken people and make them aware of the truth of the situation.


Link between sins and tribulations in Islamic traditionsQura’n and the hardships that re-awaken