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The Arguments of those who deny Justice.The difficult issue of the effect of calamities in human lives

We will now turn towards analyzing and dissecting the reality behind the doubts.

The first argument of the deniers is about the mind’s inherent capacity to logically understand things and we3 have discussed it a lot. But even then we should be further reminded that these deniers are not against the idea of good and bad in deeds for they deny it only in argument e.g. if someone slaps a young child or burns someone’s house without reason they too will consider it to be an abhorrent deed and their minds will not contradict it. They will consider such a person liable to be punished and will not wait for some verse to be revealed or a tradition to tell them that bad is bad and then they accept its saying.

If someone is hungry and thirsty in the jungle and someone gives him food and water or if some one takes the trouble to taking a sick person to a distant hospital and thereby save him from an impending death then they too will praise these deeds without hesitation and will never say: Let us see if there is any verse or tradition praising such a deed.

There are many intellectual debates in which the losers deny the truth because of the pressure of understanding created in their minds while in active life they accept them and adopt and use them. It is like the sophists who deny the very existence of common things while they save themselves from fire and go the water’s source when they are thirsty.

The acceptance of inherent mental capacity and intelligence is the foundation of the apostles and their teachings will not be acceptable without it. Their miracles will not become the proof of their truth because for the deniers of human intelligence; their miracles will not be accepted as truth.

God is the owner of the entire universe and all the particles in it and this is not hidden from anyone but this ownership will not be the proof of ill use because He is wise as well and we cannot accept one truth and deny the others. It is possible that a laborer may save enough money to become the owner of assets but he will not have the right to burn and destroy them. This will be an abhorrent deed in his mind though it is done by the owner.

God does not work in a way that He would burn the universe without reason and destroy it or like the Asharis contend that he may put all His apostles and saints and righteous people in the fires of Hell and then send all the evil doers to Paradise. This is beyond comprehension and abhorrent even though it may be done by the owner and creator of this universe. Being the owner does not mean that everything deed of a person will be right even though he may also be the creator like God or just the temporary owner.

The Asharis believe that when we accept that God is the owner and can do whatever He like then this will be regarded as the acceptance of His Lordship.

It is confirmed that if God is not the one with complete knowledge then His deeds could not be trusted and His promises could not be taken at par because it would be possible that his deeds would be against nature and His words would be meaningless.

“God is far elevated from anything wrong that these unjust ones attribute to Him.”

They say that is far above the good and the bad and His deeds cannot be categorized under any system because He is the center of all systems. This is nothing but a great misinterpretation and a wrong assumption has been couched in sweet words. This was about the system of creation and it cannot be used for the system of manifestation.

There were no laws before God began His creative activities. Things were created according to a defined system and then the laws came to the forefront. There was no law of gravity before the creation of planets that God could work according with for the law of gravity came into existence with the creation of planets. In other words the law of gravity came as an inherent nature of the planets and this is true for the creation of creations in the universe.

In the realm of manifestation the issue was somewhat different because when God created the Supreme Being man to walk the path of perfection he instilled in him all the qualities and talents required achieving this.

It is confirmed that the laws of Shariah should be compatible to it and they should be such laws that can take man to perfection and glory. It will be against the wisdom of God for the laws of manifestation to be against this. Is it possible for the wisest Being to do something that is bereft of wisdom?

Injustice is the base cause for t he destruction of the living and justice is the cause for its glory. God is never unjust and He does not destroy the path and base for the glory of mankind.

In clearer terms we can say that the deeds of God in creation and manifestation are the basic laws for mankind to achieve glory and goodness and evil emanate from them. God has not succumbed to some other laws because whatever exists is His system and laws.

His laws are connected with the laws of existence in religion and Shariah or else it would mean that He has broken His own laws and is definitely not wise.

Some say that God is not subjugated to intelligence and the mind cannot create rules for Him. This is a childish assumption because the duty of the mind and intelligence is to realize and not to fix and determine things. Or the work of mind is to ponder and understand and not make laws and manifest it.

The intelligence says “I have understood that God does nothing contradictory to His own rules or anything harmful. I understand that He does not create deficiency. I understand that the perfect being is never unjust and the perfect being never misplaces anything.”

All these are realizations and not fixed rules for God. Just as the mind understands that 2+2= 4 it also realizes that the good and the bad are opposites.

God who has created this universe for goodness and perfection will never take it to chaos and destruction. The mind did not make the rule that 2+2=4 (it only realizes it). The issue of goodness and evil is based on the creativity of God are also subject to it and it is the duty of the mind to understand the good and the bad but to create laws. (Reflect).

We should remember that the duty of the mind is to understand the good and the bad and to understand the imperative and non-essential.

It is called “declared” in today’s terminology like the suggestions of a doctor when he understand that a certain food is not good for the patient and then that he should avoid it. This “should” is not a law that going against it will be a crime but this is just a

guidance. If some one goes against then it will only harm him (but it should be noted that the laws for happiness are not attached to God).

In short, these deeds tell us that the duty of the intellect is to understand the things and not to fix rules for God and it is needless to say that God is far elevated for us to create laws and rules for Him.

Compulsion does not become the cause for denying justice and injustice. It is correct that some mistakes become the cause for other mistakes; some doubts lead to others but we should not insist on doubts and mistakes so much so that the basic issue is trampled upon.

It is beyond doubt that the justice of God is beautiful and correct while injustice is abhorrent and this is more evident than the determination by man. If you cannot solve the issue of compulsion, you should not deny the justice of God. The supporters of compulsion have always been confronted about how God can compel someone to sin and then punish him for it. This is not compatible with the justice of God.

This is a clear and logical proof but those who believe in compulsion instead of re evaluating their own stand deny the justice of God. They say that whatever he does is justice even if He punishes the helpless.

These people have created a weird image of God who can put His apostles, angels, martyrs and righteous in Hell and enter all the evil people in the history of mankind, the satanic creatures in Paradise. A God who compels His subject to sin and others to do goodness and then punishes the sinners and rewards the good doers when there is no difference between them.

It is assured that this weird and troubling image of God will keep mankind aloof from Him and the doors to His realization will be closed. God will be judged as an entity without justice in human society. Religion will be declared as something that misleads and is the cause of chaos and mischief and their will be a distrust generated about everything living.

In short insistence on compulsion should not be taken as the cause for denial of God’s justice. The manifestation of God’s justice will instead lead to the rethinking about the belief in compulsion.

How clear and simple are issues that are denied by men simply because they get entangled in chaotic ideologies.

The issues of the final Day of Judgment are also confused because of the denial of God’s justice. When it is said that the sinners will rot in Hell forever then a question arises about how long they lived, 50, 60, or seventy years? Justice demands that the punishment should be according to the situation so how can it be right for a person with a limited life to be subjected to an eternal punishment?

When such issues arise then we should look for some logical explanations and not deny that which is imperative and evident.

We should adopt the solution already present about eternal punishment. Actual the doubt has risen because the justice of God which is the result of men’s deeds has been taken as a declared punishment.

The explanation is that as is discerned from the guidance and logical explanations that the punishment on the Judgment Day will be according to the sins committed in this world e.g. a person who over indulges in alcohol abuse will be the victim of ulcers, weakness of the heart and a decadence of his physique.

Sometimes these maladies exist throughout the lives keeping him in a painful condition in the entire period.

If some one says, “Is this justice that a man should suffer throughout his life of sixty years for having drunk alcohol for a month? The answer will be that this is his own doing and this is not a prescribed punishment for him though we had been warned about the serious consequence of doing the same.

It is the same with the eternal punishment in Hell. The deeds that men do in this world are not eradicated and they remain with all their effects even in his soul. It is the same for human beings all over the world and these deeds will be gathered on the Day of Judgment with him and will become the vice of punishment for him. We will discuss the further details in our discussion on the Judgment Day Inshallah.


The Arguments of those who deny Justice.The difficult issue of the effect of calamities in human lives