Why can’t our intelligence reach His real Essence and Attributes?


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No Similarity and No Escape The denial of Allegory in Islamic Traditions.

We have referred to this briefly earlier. It is suffice to say that we cannot understand God because He is limitless and pure while our intelligence, knowledge and wisdom are limited.

He is an unfathomable entity in all sense (We have discussed this in details earlier) His entity or Essence like His knowledge and attributes is limitless while we on the other hand together will all our knowledge and wisdom are limited in life, time and place. How can we understand him being so limited ourselves? How can we be fully aware about Him when our knowledge is limited while His is unlimited? What we see in the distant horizon is that there is a hint about His essence and attributes but it is impossible for us to reach His real essence and attributes.

On the other hand we find that his entity is limitless and nothing resembles him in any way whatsoever. His is the unique existence. Had there been any other besides Him then they both would have been limited. (We have discussed this in details when we dealt with Tawhid in Vol.3)

How can we discover him when He has no similarity with anything? All others that exist are contingent and the attributes of the contingent being is far different and inferior to that of the necessary being. (1)

We do not say that we are unaware of His real existence and are also ignorant about His knowledge and authority but we profess that we have superfluous knowledge about Him. We have no in-depth vision about Him and trying to understand Him through our meager intelligence is futile.



1 You should not be surprised if we say that we do not know the meaning of unlimited and if asked why we discuss it and how do we preach about it and how do we mention His decrees when nothing can be imagined and accepted without confirmation then we will reply that this word consists of two parts “Not” and “limited’ and we consider them separately and then merge them so that a sign is created about that which cannot be perceived or imagined. In this way we gain a superfluous idea about Him. Reflect.


No Similarity and No Escape The denial of Allegory in Islamic Traditions.