Does evil have a non-existence angle?


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What is good and bad?The goodness that comes out from evil

According to the philosophers and intellectuals if evil is analyzed then we come to a stage non-existence. The first person to introduce this idea was Aristotle who introduced evil as non-existent. According to him goodness without existence is nothing. (The greater the existence the more will be the scope of goodness so much so that it will reach the infinite and unlimited God who is the fountainhead of all goodness and is goodness personified.

An example is given to explain the non-existence of evil by saying that “It is evil to slay a good person.” But do we think about what is evil? Is it the strength of the murderer, the sharpness of the murder weapon or the softness of the victim’s neck that makes it possible for the neck to be cut from all sides? Indeed none of them is evil in itself. The evil is the severance of the muscles and veins of the neck and we know that this severance is nothing but a non-existent thing deed.

An existent deed like poisoned food becomes the cause of death though it is non-existence and is thus declared evil. The viruses that are existent become the cause of diseases and we know that death is nothing but non-existence of life and sickness is nothing but the severance of health. The answer to the question “Who created evil?’ thus becomes clear because evil deeds are non-existent deeds and so there is no question of them being created or brought into existence.

Those deeds that become the cause of non-existence like the poisoned food but as we have said that if the evil and goodness in them are equal or evil is dominant or if its totally evil then since God’s is all wise it is impossible that He will give them a garb of existence. The point to be noted is that complete evil is equal to complete non-existence which definitely does not have an external existence because non-existence is opposite of existence.

But the comparative evil (those that are evil from one angle and good from another) certainly does exist. In other words this is the convergence of existence and non-existence and as we have said only comparative evil can be attributed to God and this something in which goodness is dominant.


What is good and bad?The goodness that comes out from evil