The Explanation of Verses


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The Explanations of MafuradatThe Proof of God’s truthfulness.

In the first two verses it is said that God is absolutely truthful in what He says.

And then there is this negative exclamation “Who is there that is more truthfully than God” (1)

Some commentators believe that “More or less truthfully” is possible when in numbers (or that someone is truthfully in most cases) but this is not correct when it is taken as a condition or sense then the person may be either truthfully or a liar. There is no scope of being more or less truthful in this instance. (2)

The truth is that Sidq has very stages as a condition because every event has various reasons, origins and conditions. If the narrator’s words are as per the actual event then he is more truthful than the rest in that instance e.g. Some one compares a person to Salman (Farsi) and another person compares the same person with Abu Zarr . But the person who considers all sides before he declares his comparison will be considered more truthful.

We declare God to be truthful and it is because a lie results from ignorance, simplicity and illiteracy, or through weakness. But since none of these are found in God therefore He is the most truthful.

In the third and fourth verses we find God’s truthfulness in His promises. The third verse speaks about the promise for victory at Uhud. The Muslims initially were victorious, and then turned lazy and disobedient which resulted in their defeat. God is truth in His promise and says, “God did indeed fulfill His promise to you. But your slothfulness, disagreements and disobedience became the cause of your defeat. This lethargy is from your side and nothing untoward happened from God regarding His promise.” This answer was given to those who complained about the defeat and considered it as non-fulfillment of God’s promise.

The fourth verse speaks of the battle of the confederates (Ahzab). They (The truthful ones) said: “This is what God and His Messenger promised us and God and His Messenger told us what was true.” It speaks of the truthfulness of both God and His Messenger because his words are actually God’s words and his promise is God’s promise.

Now the problem is what did God and His Messenger promise that was fulfilled? There are various interpretations:

The Messenger had promised “the polytheists will face you within 9 or ten days and they came and this was when the believers said the above words. Verses 3 and 4 of Surah Najm say, “Nor does he speak of his own desire; It is only an inspiration that is inspired” (3)

In verse 214 of Surah Baqarah God said, “Or do you think that you will enter Paradise without trials as came to those who passed before you? “ They faced afflictions and will you and you will be tested. So when the believers found themselves on the brink of war they said, “God’s promise is true and we are now going to be tested.” (4)

Some feel that the Messenger prophesized victory after encirclement in the Battle of Confederates and then Islam would spread all over the world and the palaces of Heera and Midian would be in the hands of the Muslims. So when the believers saw the first part (being fulfilled) they were happy and said, “Here is the glad tidings that success is near” (5)



1. The origin of discussion.
2. Tafsir Ruhul Ma’ani Vol. 5 page 95 verse 87 of Surah Nisaa
3. Tafsir Ruhul Ma’ani vol. 21 page 151
4. Tafsir Al Mizan vol.16 page 306 and it is also found in the commentary by Fakhruddin Razi
5. Tafsir Qartabi vol. 8 Page 239


The Explanations of MafuradatThe Proof of God’s truthfulness.