The unimaginable Bounties


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Surely the bounties of Paradise are not limited to the things mentioned here though these are important. The limited imagination of this material world does not have the capacity to comprehend the material and spiritual bounties of the hereafter. The varied nature of mankind desires various bounties so Qura’n has paid great attention to it. It clearly states that you will get all the material and spiritual bounties that you may desires in Paradise. In verse 71 of Surah Zukhruf the Book says:

“In there will be all that the souls could desire and all that the eyes could delight in.”

This is the best des c r i p tion of the bounties of Paradise as far as possible. According to Tabrisi in Majmaul Bayan even if all the creatures come together and try to define the bounties of Paradise they will fail to do so.

They cannot anything to this verse (1)

The point to note is that this sentence has come after describing the various bounties of paradise so that it is understood that the bounties are not limited to them. Why is the pleasure of the eyes mentioned after the pleasure of the heart?

There are certain explanations about this:

The first is that “Tashtahiihil anfusu” means all that the souls could desire but since the pleasure of the eyes has its own importance it has been mentioned later. This is the way of saying something special after saying something normal.

Secondly, the first is connected with the sense of smell and sense of taste while the later is limited to the eyesight only. This pleasure is either equal to them or greater than them.

Thirdly, the first sentence speaks about the material pleasures while the second is about the spiritual one. This is about the beatific through the heart and the inner realization of His glory and beauty which is greater than all the material bounties and pleasures of Paradise.

It is evident that the life and souls of the Paradise dweller will desire them as is the feature of a righteous soul. The generality of the verse has no exception and there is no need for excuses about whether the verse includes the unpleasant demands of the soul.

Verse 31 of Surah Fussilat says:

“In there you shall have all that you shall desire.” (2)Some commentators have said that the first sentence is about the material bounties of Paradise.

Some commentators have said that the first sentence speaks about all the bounties of Paradise while the second speaks about the spiritual bounties. Verse 10 of Surah Yunus confirms this:

“They will cry: “Glory is for you O Lord and their greeting (in it) will be “Peace” and their last words will be “Praise is for God the Lord of the worlds.”

This explanation is in the context that the desire of the soul is generally materialistic while the prayer is mostly for spiritual things. This seems to be very correct.

Verse 102 of Surah Anbiya says:

“They shall abide in what their souls desire”

Added to this verse is verse 31 of Surah Nahl that says:

“They will have (therein) all that they wish.”

The same meaning is conveyed by verse 16 of Surah Furqaan and is also present in verse 34 of Surah Zumar, verse 22 of Surah Shura and verse 35 of Surah Qaf.

All that we have said till now clarifies that there is no limit for the bounties of Paradise, neither in amount, condition, variety, time, or place. This is a brief glance about the things mentioned in the previous chapters that is possible for us worldly people. Whatever is greater than this has been briefly stated in the above verse for it is beyond our comprehension.

The Paradise and its bounties are the great symbols of God’s beneficence and the bounties of Paradise are unlimited because his authority and mercy is unlimited.


1. Tafsir Majmaul Bayan vol. 9 page 56
2. The word “Yaddauuna” is derived from “Iddaaa” which means to ask for something.


The Initial ServiceSpiritual Pleasure