Jihad and Martyrdom


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Anyone who has even a scant knowledge of Qura’n and Islam knows that the station of the Jihadis and the martyred is very elevated. In Surah Tauba verse 111 the Qura’n has proclaimed the Paradise for this group of people:

“Indeed God has purchased from the faithful their lives and their possession for theirs is the Paradise. They fight in God’s way, and they slay and are slain; a promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Evangel and the Qura’n; who is more faithful to his covenant than God? Rejoice; therefore, in the bargain that you have transacted and this is the great achievement.”

Really what a great and unparalleled bargain this is where the buyer is God and the seller is the Jihadi believer. The thing being brought is the wealth and the lives that God only has given them. The price being paid is the ever lasting Paradise. The witnesses to this transaction are the three divine books and then there is the congratulation that the buyer has given to the seller.

What a beautiful and pleasing des c r i p tion it is and what a profitable business. A weak and unstable thing is being bought by an ever lasting price. With what a great love is the price being given by God.

One hadith tells us that when this verse was revealed the Messenger was in the mosque and he recited this verse loudly. The people cried out “ Allaho Akbar’ . A person from the Ansars asked him: “ Was it really this verse that was just revealed?” the Messenger answered in the affirmative and the person cried out:

“ This is a very profitable trade. We will neither reject it nor will accept any rejection.” (2)

This trade is connected with the matters that were killed in the way of God and includes those who were successful in Jihad. “ Yaqtuluun” they slay the enemies has been mentioned before “Yuqtuluun” they were martyred and this tells us that the main aim is to destroy the enemy and not to be killed or attain martyrdom. Martyrdom is a very high station which only some great people achieve but Jihad is never done to attain martyrdom. In clear words we can say that martyrdom is not the goal but a path of attaining it.



1. See verses 20,21,88 and 89 of Surah Tauba, verse 12 of Surah Saff, and verse 142 of Surah Al Imran for the same meaning.
2. Tafsir Durre Manshur as quoted in Tafsir Al Mizan vol.9 page 429


BeneficenceDiscarding carnal desires