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Explanation of the versesZaqquum-Hameem-Ghasleen-Zareeh-Ghassaaq-Sadeed

We have repeatedly said that the resurrection and the Day of Judgment will have both the spiritual and physical side the food and drinks are that which can become the cause of pleasure or pain. The food which is, unpalatable, smelly extremely hot and that gets stuck in the throat is very unpleasant and is like a punishment or torture, whereas the tasty or delicious drink or food is the cause of health for the body and a pleasure for it. It also affects the human soul and gives is a great pleasure while a foul smelly and distasteful food or drink creates pain and unrest and is a punishment for the body.

Qura’n has revealed a portion of the Hell’s food and drinks to educate and warn the sinner and to restrain them from further sins.

The verses on this subject are so terrifying that they can affect every person. With this brief introduction we now study the under mentioned verses in this regards:

Verses 43 to 46 of Surah Dukhan:

“Verily the tree of Zaqquum will be the food of the sinful and like molten brass it will boil in their innards.”

Verses 62, 64 and 66 of Surah Saffat:

“Is that the better entertainment or the tree of Zaqquum? It is a tree that springs out of the bottom of the Hell fire. They will eat and fill their bellies with it.”

Verses 35 to 37 of Surah Haaqa:

“He has no friend here this day and he has no food excepting the foul pus from the wounds, which none will eat except the sinners.”

Verses 4 to 7 of Surah Ghaashiya:

“When they enter the blazing fire they are made to drink from a fiercely boiling spring and they shall have no food except the bitter thorny ones which will neither fatten nor satisfy.”

Verse 29 of Surah Kahf:

“ We have prepared a fire for the sinners whose flames will be like the roof and walls of a tent in which they will suffocate; if they beg for relief they will be given water like molten brass that will scald their mouths. What a dreadful drink! What an uncomfortable couch to recline on.”

Verses 21 to 25 of Surah Naba:

“Hell is the place of ambush, and a destination for the transgressors for they will live in it for ages. They shall taste nothing cool nor get any drink save a boiling fluid and a fluid dark and murky and intensely cold.”

Verses 15 to 17 of Surah Ibrahim:

“But they wanted a victory and decision then and there and frustration was the lot of every powerful and obstinate transgressor. Hell is before him and he is given a boiling and fetid water to drink. He will sip it in gulps but will never swallow it down his throat and death will come to him from all sides, yet he will not die for he will face a relentless chastisement.’’ (1)



1. You can see the meanings of this verse also in verse 13 of Surah Muzammil, 70 of Surah Anam, 4 of Yunus, 57 of Surah Saad 46 of Surah Mohammad and verses 52 to 57 of Surah Dukhan.


Explanation of the versesZaqquum-Hameem-Ghasleen-Zareeh-Ghassaaq-Sadeed