Why this recognition?


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Explanation of the VersesWhy this recognition?

From the words and hints of this verse which we will explain later, and from the various hadiths in the Islamic annals we learn that there will be two groups in A’raf.

There will be the first group of those persons chosen by God, prominent and elevated people who are close to God and the second group that consists of people called “Mustazifeen” and those who have mixed their righteous deeds with sinful ones. For some their goodness will be more than their evil and for others their evil will be more than their goodness and they will be in despair between Paradise and Hell.

The chosen ones of God will recognize each person because of his face. Those who merit intercession and salvation and attached to the saints will be told, “Enter the Paradise” and the rest will be sent to Hell.

This is a very apt explanation that explains the verses about A’raf and the verses that come later. It helps us avoid frivolous thoughts it can also be explained through various sayings in hadiths.

Allama Tabatabai has noted 12 points about those who will stand at A’raf. (Some others have mentioned only 10 or 7 points like Tafsir Qartabi and Tafsir Ithna-ashari). They can be mentioned as below:

01 Those prominent people and elders.

02 They are those whose goodness and sins are equally balanced.

03 These are those that lived between the times of two apostles of God and the truth did not reach them.

04 They are the believing Jinns.

05 They are the under aged children of the disbelievers.

06 They are the illegal off springs.

07 They are those who consider themselves superior than others.

08 They are the angels. (They have been termed as men because they will appear as such)

09 They are the Messengers of God.

10 They are the just people of the Ummah who will remain and vouch those in their nation.

11 They are a group of righteous, well informed and wise people.

12 They are Ali, Abbas Hamzah and Jafar. (1)

In various hadith from the Ahlul Bait they have been described as the Messenger and his progeny and this is over and above those mentioned above. (2)

All these sayings (12 or 13) are recorded in the above Tafsir that says that there will be two groups of people in A’raf, one consists of the pure and righteous lead by the Holy Messenger, the other prophets, angels, the righteous people, the Ulema, and the elders. Then the second group consists of the Mustazifeen and those whose lives had goodness as well as sins or positive and negative attributes or they were devoid of them ( like the under aged children of the disbelievers, the disabled, the ignorant and those who lived between two apostles but did not receive the truth)

The traditions mentioned above also suggest the being of these two groups in A’raf. The first verse speaks about the second group:

“And they shall call out to the inmates of the garden, “Peace be on you.” They shall not have entered it though they would hope to do so.”

So those mentioned above have been recorded in the beginning of the verse.


Explanation of the VersesWhy this recognition?