The Sensing of God’s Approval


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Extreme HappinessGod watching them and they having the beatific vision

The greatest joy of a person is that he senses that God approves him. The approval of the beloved gives a sense of joy that nothing can equal. Getting the approval of the beloved is the best spiritual pleasure that instill a sense of importance because if his existence did not have any importance then the beloved would not have approved him.

The Qura’n has mentioned this fine point many a times. Verse 15 of Surah Al Imran after describing the gardens of Paradise and the pious companions says:

“The good pleasure of God.” This is greater than all bounties.

Verse 72 of Surah Tauba expands on this issue. After describing the garden’s bounties fleetingly (under which the rivers flow) and the purified abodes of the dwellers the verse says:

“The greatest bliss is the pleasure of God” and the verse ends by saying: “That is the supreme success.”

The des c r i p tion of “Akbar” and “that is the supreme success” tell us that none of the bounties can compare with this bounty of God. The last sentence is “this is the supreme success.”

We have repeatedly said that we cannot imagine even the material bounties of the hereafter let alone describe this great or supreme success.

We can of course understand the effects of the material and spiritual bounties e.g. we know the pleasure of meeting the beloved after a long time or the solution of a great problem gives us the peace of heart and a spiritual contentment which can only be derived after a prolonged period of worship. We cannot compare them to the material things like, food, dresses or others.

Abu Saeed Hazari has quoted the messenger of Islam to have said:

God will speak to the dwellers of Paradise, “Are you happy with the bounties that I have bestowed upon you?’

They will answer “why should not we be happy. You have given us the bounties that you have given to no other creation.”

It will be said: “Should I give you the gift which is greater than all of them?’

They will answer: “ Lord! What can be better than this?’

It will be said: “ I give you my approval and will never chastise you after this.” (1)

The word ‘Rizwan” means to approve or be agreeable or to accept but here it means honor and greatness or the great approval of God is the best among all things.

It is also said that it is “Nakrah” or unconfirmed not because of paucity. A small approval of God is greater than the entire bounties of Paradise.

No one can describe the spiritual pleasure coming out of attaining the approval of God on any person.

A small part of this approval will be greater than the bounties of Paradise. The notable point is that verse 119 of Surah Maidah after describing the bounties speaks about the mutual approval of both the creator and the created. It says:

“God is well pleased with them and them with God and this is the supreme success.”

How good it will be that the approval will be from both sides. He will bestow so much on his servants that they will be immersed in acceptance and He will love them so much that it will be the sign of His approval. In short, there is no greater happiness than that the beloved Lord is pleased with him as a person. The sign of this approval is that all the bounties whether he can imagine them or not will be bestowed on him.

In verse 28 of Surah Fajr there is a term “Well pleased with Him and He with you.” describes the contentment of the soul that will reach close to God’s mercy. This also speaks about the same thing. It is said:

 “O Contented soul! Return to your God well pleased with him and Him with you” and then adds “Join my servants”

This reward is a miracle and a crown of glory. What better honor can one have that a person may be called “I’baadi” or special servant?

This is the reward for those who cross the stage of Nafs Ammara and Lawwama to have Nafs Mutmainna or the contented soul. For they eradicate their own desires, defeat Satan and ride the chariot of piety and restraint.

Those mentioned above are not the only ones about attaining God’s approval on the Day of Judgment but the meaning has come in many other verses. All this points to the great importance this carries.(3)



1. Tafsir Ruhul Jinan vol.6 page 70’ Tafsir Ruhul Ma’ani vol.10 page 122
2. Tafsir Ayyashi and Tafsir Al Mizan ( as quoted)
3. See Verse 7 of Surah Qaariah, verse 21 of Surah Tauba, verse 20 of Surah Hadid and verse 8 of Surah Baiyyanah.


Extreme HappinessGod watching them and they having the beatific vision