Some Questions and answers about Paradise


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Is there one or more Paradise?Differences are the means of recognition

Is redundancy and homogeneity not unpleasant?

Some people say that the verses and the hadiths tell us that there will be a redundancy in God’s beneficence. If this persists for a long time then it eradicates the yearning and desire because the best scenes, a beautiful life, good food if continuous become boring. At times people take to ordinary work to avoid the redundancy of affluence in their lives and to have a variety.

In answer we will discuss three points:

We should not compare the psychiatry of this world with the life in the hereafter because in this life the repetition of something leads to ennui and boredom but there it is just the opposite. The yearning of man will increase the more he sees the wonders of God and he will enjoy increasingly every time they are presented to him, both physically and spiritually. What proof do we have that the mental situation or condition in this world will be evident in the hereafter also?

There are a few bounties in this world that we never tire about. No matter how much we breathe in fresh air we are never tired of it but we feel more pleasant and it is a source of pleasure and freshness for us.

Water is an ordinary drink and we always drink it even though we live for hundreds of years it is water that will always relieve us and quench our thirst. This is why it is said that water is the fountainhead of life. Neither do we tire of drinking nor do we consider it to be useless. Sweet and cold water is always refreshing and life giving to the thirsty.

What can prevent God from imposing thirst on us in the hereafter also (even though that thirst will be very pleasant and not painful as in this world. The yearning to meet one’s beloved is something similar.) And that he will find extreme physical and spiritual pleasure.

The entity of God and His attributes are unlimited both in the material and spiritual sense. Fresh and news bounties and guidance will be bestowed on the people in Paradise in every moment in a manner that they will not be redundant. Can something unlimited ever be repetitious and boring?

The material bounties of Paradise also reflect God’s mercy and benevolence, unlimited and uncountable. What can prevent Him to command that the same trees, rivers, flowers, fragrance, pure drinks take on a few forms every day and every moment. A new fragrance should take place of the older one every few moment, that the colors and forms of things keep changing. In this way the people there will eat a particular food only once. ( What a pleasant scene that will be )

Some verses confirm this and verse 29 of Surah Rahman says:

“ All those in the heavens and the earth beseech Him; He has a new and splendorous manifestation every day.”

The commentators have given various explanations for this verse and each one of them points to a certain deed of God. Some speak about the creation of human beings and death and some on their life and sustenance. Some speak about the greatness and infamy of nations and some about the forgiveness of sins and the security from hardships. What is certain is that this verse has a very vast meaning that includes all the changes in this universe and we have no proof that this verse is only about this world for the previous verse says:

“ Every one in this universe will perish except the face of God the glorious Lord which will remain.”

It may be telling us that these changes and variety will be continuous in the other world also and though the people of Paradise will be busy in a single work, they will find something new and refreshing in it every day.

Some commentator have taken the term “ Kul yom” as common to the days in both this world and the hereafter. (1)

There is a hadith from Imam Sadiq that says:

God has created a Paradise which no eyes have seen and no person knows its details. Each morning god opens it and says, “ Increase your fragrance and your breeze.” (2)

There is a hadith from Imam Baqir that says:

“ There will be a table spread for the people in Paradise full of food that they desire; it will be a food that will have no equal in taste and fragrance. Then this table spread will be removed and another with different varieties set in its place. (3)

What these des c r i p tions tell us is that nothing will be repeated and every time it will be something different. We end this discussion with a quote from a commentator :

“ These verses speak of God’s glory in all the times and about the capacity of man to enjoy them. We know that God’s glory is not limited or finite.

These words do not express the meaning of the verse fully but are a part of the meaning. ( Reflect)



1. Tafsir Ruhul Ma’ani vol.27 page 96
2. Behar-ol-Anwar Vol.8 page 199 hadith 198
3. Behar-ol-Anwar vol.8 page 199 hadith 199
4. Tafsir Ruhul Bayan vol.9 page 300


Is there one or more Paradise?Differences are the means of recognition