Has the Paradise already been created?


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As vast as the heavens and the earthIt is ready for the righteous.

The promise of God is the ultimate truth and there is no scope for it being unfulfilled. The rewards announced for the believers and the punishments declared for the sinners will definitely come to pass because a promise is not fulfilled because of weakness, ignorance and remorse and this cannot be imagined for the entity of God. This is why all rewards will be pleasing and all chastisements horrific. Despite all this the Qura’n stresses that the Paradise and Hell exist even now and are prepared for those who deserve them.

From various hadiths we learn that the good deeds of men create Paradise and this too proves that it exists. The emphasis is because the reward and punishment becomes more evident. The pious people will feel their rewards with them and the evil people will feel the pain of torment.

After this brief introduction we return to the Qura’n and study the verses in this connection:

Verse 133 of Surah Al Imran:

“A garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of earth prepared for the righteous.”

Verse 21 of Surah Hadid:

“And a garden whose width is like that of the heavens and the earth (combined) prepared for those who believe in God and His Messengers.”

Verse 24 of Surah Baqarah:

“Then the Fire who fuel are men and stones, which is prepared for those who reject faith.”

Verse 131 of Surah Al Imran:

“And fear the fire which is prepared for those who reject faith.”

Verses 13 to 15 of Surah Najm:

“Indeed he saw him at another descent at Sidra (the lote tree) on the utmost boundary and near it is the garden of abode.”

Verse 54 of Surah Ankabut:

“They challenge you to hasten the chastisement on them and verily Hell will encompass the disbelievers.”

Verses 13 to 16 of Surah Infitaar:

“As for the righteous, they will be in bliss and the wicked will be in the fire which they will enter on the Judgment Day and they will not be able to save themselves from it.”

Verses 5 to 7 of Surah Takaasur:

“No! If you knew for sure that you shall surely see Hell then you shall certainly see it with certitude.”


As vast as the heavens and the earthIt is ready for the righteous.