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The manifestation of ethics and human habitsThe Explanations

 The most difficult work on the Day of Judgment is the audit of the men’s deeds. When all the people are gathered, their deeds will be weighed on the scales in front of the witnesses.

It is a court of justice where the judge is God and the witnesses are those who are close to Him.

It is a court of justice that has the record of every big and small deed of men even his intentions will be judged.

There are many various about resurrection that mentioned God as the judge and sometimes speak of the witnesses and sometimes the scales of judgment. Some times a scale is mentioned and some they describes how the deeds of men will be audited and accounted.

The verses concerned have very subtle meanings as well some very important educative points which enjoin us towards piety and tell mankind of its responsibility. They guide mankind to well being.

With this brief introduction we now turn towards the Qura’n and study the various topics in this issue from the different verses.

Verse 32 of Surah Yasin:

“And surely all, every one of them will be brought before Us.”

Verse 69 of Surah Hajj:

“God will judge between you on the day of Resurrection about what you used to differ.”

Verses 7 and 8 of Surah At Teen:

 “Then what causes you deny the recompense? Is not God the best of the judges?”

Verse 46 of Surah Yunus:

“To us is their return and moreover God knows what they used to do.”

Verse 41 of Surah Nisaa:

“How will it be when we bring forth from each nation a witness and you as a witness against these people?”

Verse 21 of Surah Qaf:

“ And every person ( with an angel) to drive (him) and one angel as witness.”

Verse 24 of Surah Nur:

“On the Day when their tongues, hands, feet will bear witness against them for what they used to do.”

Verse 21 of Ha Mim Sajdah:

“ And they will say to their skins “ Why do you testify against us?” They will answer, “ God has made us speak”

Verses 4 and 5 of Surah Zilzaal:

“That Day it will declare its information because you’re God has so inspired it.”

Verse 47 of Surah Anbiya:

“And We shall set up balances of judgment on the Day of Resurrection and none will be dealt with unjustly in any thing. And if there be a weight of a mustard seed We will bring if and We are sufficient as Reckoners.”

Verses 8 and 9 of Surah A’raf:

“And the weighing on that Day will be true and as for those whose scale will be heavy will be successful.9. As for those whose scales will be light, they are those who will lose their own selves because they denied and rejected our Signs.”

Verse 53 of Surah Saad:

“That is what you are promised for the Day of Reckoning.”

Verses 199 of Surah Al Imran, 4 of Surah Maidah, 51 of Surah Ibrahim and 17 of Surah Mumin:

“God is swift in account.”

Verse 62 of Surah Anam:

“His alone is judgment and He is the swiftest Reckoner.”

Verses 25 and 26 of Surah Ghashiya:

“Verily to Us will be their return.26 Then verily for Us will be their reckoning.”

Verse 14 of Surah Isra:

“(He will be told) “Read your book for you are sufficient as a reckoner against you this Day.”



1. Some commentators have given grammatical interpretations about this verse but they are not acceptable.


The manifestation of ethics and human habitsThe Explanations