The Causes of Entering the Paradise from the View of Quran


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Introduction:Piety of Taqwa

There are various verses in the Qura’n about the features of those who live there. They describe those deeds and the attributes that uplift mankind to that elevated status very clearly. They also clarify the Islamic point of view about salvation and perfection.

The first things that have been described as the real assets and the keys to the gates of Paradise are true faith and pious deeds. Verse 82 of Surah Baqarah says:

“And those who believe (in monotheism) and do righteous deeds are the dwellers of Paradise. They shall live in it forever.”

Similar des c r i p tions have come in various other verses of the Qura’n and they all describe the importance of this issue. Qura’n has thus dispelled the idea that any thing else but the good deeds and true faith can be the source of salvation. This idea was propagated by some people of the book (The Jews and Christians) and others with similar ideas. Qura’n says that two strong hands i.e. good deeds and true faith are needed for it. They used to declare themselves as the favorite people of God and at times declared themselves to be the sons of god.

Verse 80 of Surah Baqarah says: “The (the Jews) say, “The fire of Hell should not touch us but for a limited period.”

It is clear that the relation between belief and deed is like the tree and the fruit. A good fruit bearing tree is not bereft of fruits and true belief will not be without good deeds. But the belief that is weak bows before carnal desires. When Imam Sadiq was asked about true faith he said:

“The true belief is that God should be obeyed and not disobeyed.”(2)

In other words the good deeds reflect the true faith in the heart.

But this does not mean that those who commit sins or great sins are disbelievers. (3)

This is the belief of the Khwarij (those who reneged). The true faith is never separated from good deeds though the weak faith often leads to committing greater sins.

It is also notable that many verses of the Qura’n speak about true faith before good deeds though it is tougher to do the compulsory duties and save oneself from sins than true faith and so should have been mentioned earlier. By this arrangement the Qura’n wants to tell us that the foundation of pious deeds lies in true belief.

The last point in this discussion is that the des c r i p tion of the true faith and pious deeds is very vast. On the one side is the base of basic things is true belief and it includes all good work, collective or individual, worship or political. This was the discussion on the first key of Paradise.



1. Al Imran-136, Nisaa-124, A’raf-42, Hajj 14, 23, and 56, Ankabut58, Zumar-74, Ahqaf-14 and Mohammad 12.
2. Usul Kafi vol. 2 page 33 hadith 3
3. One belief of the Khwarij is that one who commits a greater sin is a Kafir or disbeliever. Safinatol Behar on Kharaj.


Introduction:Piety of Taqwa