The Food of Paradise


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Rugs and BedsThe blessed Wines

We learn from the Qura’n that there are various kinds of food for the physical needs of the dwellers of Paradise but from the verses we learn that there best food will be fruits. These have been described in many verses as “Fakihata”, “Fawakah”, “sharrah”, “thamaraat” and “Akul”.

Some verses like 52 of Surah Rahman say:

“In them will be fruits of every kind; two and two.”

According to Maqayis-ol-Loghata “Faakiha”is actually derived from the origin of “Fakah” which means heart warming or pleasing. Flowers are often called “Faakiha” because they please the heart. Mafaakiha” means a funny verse. “Fakah” means one with a good appetite and a funny person.

Some people say that “Faakiha” means all kinds of flowers. Raghib has confirmed this meaning in Mafuradat while some have said that it includes every fruit excepting grapes and oranges or dates and pomegranates. This is because verse 67 of Surah Rahman adds these fruits as “Faakiha” but the verse does not say so. It often happens that a special thing is mentioned after a common one and then it is added.

According to some opinions the use of the word “Zawjaan” tell us that the fruits will be of two kinds. One of the kinds was in this world but the other has never been seen. Some say that it refers to the variety and colors of the fruits of Paradise in which each one is tastier than the other.

Verse 20 of Surah Waqiah describes the variety of fruits as:

“And fruits that they may choose.”

Verse 42 of Surah Mursilaat says:

“And fruits such as they desire.”

In some verses special kinds of fruits have been mentioned as the fruits of Paradise. Verse 67 of Surah Rahman says:

“In them will be fruits, and date palms and pomegranates.”

Fakhr Razi has said: “Some commentators have thought deeply about and said that these two fruits have been mentioned because of their differences.

One is sweet but the other is not; one if hot and the other is cold, one is nutritious and the other is not, one belongs to the cold region and the other from warmer regions, and one tree is very tall but the other is small. It is as if Qura’n wants to speak about all kinds of fruits that are included in these two kinds. (1)

In verse 32 of Surah Naba the book says:

“Gardens and grape-yards”

God has created green forests with grapes and other fruit laden trees.

In verses 28 and 29 of Surah Waqiah the Book says:

“(the4y will be) among thornless lote trees among the (banana) trees with fruits piled one on top of another.”(2)

Most commentators have taken “Talha” to mean the banana trees. It leaves are rich green and large and the fruits are very tasty. The word “Manzud’ is derived from “Nazad” which means in layers. This refers to the bunch of bananas that are piled one on top of the other. (3)

Some have taken “Manzud” to mean that the leaves are one on top of another. The leaves of berry trees are very small and the leaves of the banana trees are large. Their being mentioned together is a reference to the various kinds of delicious fruits in Paradise.

While the Qura’n has referred to the various fruits as the food for the Paradise dwellers it haws also spoken about meat. The word “Lahm Teer’ means the meat of birds. In one place after speaking about the important bounties of Paradise the book in verse 22 of Surah Tur says:

“And “We shall provide them with fruit and meat as they desire.” (4)

The term “as they desire’ has a vast meaning and includes food of all kinds.

In verse 21 of Surah Waqiah the Book says:

“And flesh of fowls or any they may desire.”

Fruits are mentioned first in both the instances because a fruit is a delicious and better food. Some people go to the extent of saying that the natural fruit for mankind are fruits and they consider man to be a fruit eating animal. So a person does not take to meat naturally but changes its form by adding something else to it for food. But fruits he can use without making any changes. Eating fruits before meat has its own delicious taste.



1. Tafsir Kabeer vol.29 page 134
2. Tafsir Kabeer vol. 29 page 162
3. Tafsir Kabeer vol.29 page 162
4. The origin of “Amdadnahu” is “Amdad” which means to be continuous and is used for giving help. Some commentators like the author of Qamoos say it means the supercession of death and a continuous life and this is not different than the first interpretation


Rugs and BedsThe blessed Wines