Precedence in Belief


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Discarding carnal desiresThe Migration and the Jihad

The decayed rituals are destroyed with the advent of a new message from God. Islam came into a society which was full of evil and based on false discriminations. It should be noted that believing the Messenger of a such a religion is very difficult and needs a great amount of courage and determination because it is those who precede in belief that are attacked by the biased and ignorant people. Since the believers are always a minority their lives and wealth are always threatened.

They become the examples for others to follow and the true religion spreads rapidly. These are the reason for the elevated status of those who precede in religion and Qura’n assures them of Paradise.

The verse 10 of Surah Waqiah says:

“And the foremost shall be the first; they will be brought closer to God in the garden of bliss.”(1)

This will occur when the meaning of the word “Sabiquun” is those who are the foremost in belief. Some of the commentators have taken it to mean those who are foremost in obeying God, the daily five prayers, jihad and migration or repentance. This meaning can be a proof of our contention because these foremost people are those who are the examples for others. Those who are foremost in sacrifice, brave and rely on God will be the ones to enjoy the pleasures of Paradise.

Some traditions have taken Hazrat Ali to mean “ Sabiquun” for he was the first to believe and some times four people have been taken and they are Abel, The believer from the people of the Pharaoh, Habib the carpenter and Hazrat Ali. Each one of them was fore most in be believing in his time and was the symbol of Jihad, and good deeds. (2)

The notable point is that according to these verses the first boon that God bestowed on them was closeness to Him. And this is a boon greater than all boons and Paradise.

The use of the word Jannaat without “Naiim” which is the plural of Naimah is for enough for explaining but they have been mentioned together which is a greater stress on the bounties of Paradise.

This des c r i p tion also tells us that the centers of the bounties are the gardens of Paradise and we have to strive a lot to protect and nurture them unlike the gardens of this world and there is always a fear of them being destroyed.



1.The same meaning is there in verse 21 of Surah Hadid, and 133 of Surah Al Imran
2. For these hadith see Ahqaqol Haqq vol.3 page 114 and vol.15 page 345


Discarding carnal desiresThe Migration and the Jihad