The Peaceful Environment


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The Special Respect.The Peace after terror

The thing that disturbs the human soul the most is the absence of peace. Life in this world is often bitter because mankind is not satisfied with what he has and he is not satisfied about the future also. He does not have peace from his fellow men. If some one has any bounty in abundance then he is jealous and burns in obsession for it.

One of the spiritual benefit is that there will be peace every where. There will be no fear of war or fights, no jealousy and love will rule everywhere. There will be mutual friendship and brotherhood all over.

There is a very beautiful des c r i p tion in two verses of the Qura’n. Paradise is called “Darus Salaam” the place of peace. Verse 127 of Surah Anam says:

“For them shall be an abode of peace with their Lord and He is their guardian because of what they used to do.”

Verse 25 of Surah Yunus says:

“God calls you to the abode of peace.”

The commentators have given two explanations for “Darus Salaam”:

The first is that “Peace” which means safety from all kinds of problems is one of the attributes of Paradise. There will be no brigands like in this world, no resistance from any one ignorant of God and worshipper of wealth. There will be no wars and no exploitations. There will be only mutual co-existence and peace.

Secondly, the word “Salaam” is one of the names of God so the abode of peace is the abode of God. Both the meanings are correct though the first seems better because the word denotes safety from all kinds of hardships. Raghib has mentioned this in Mafuradat. This word is one of the attributes of God or that His entity is pure from all evils and defects.

The sentence “for them will be an abode of peace with their Lord” tells us that “Darus Salaam” has the first meaning. (Reflect)

There is a hadith from Ibn Abbas that says:

“Darus Salaam is the Paradise the dwellers of which will be safe from all hardships, diseases and scourges. They will also remain safe from old age, death and changes. They will always be respected and they will always be charitable free from poverty, they will always have good fortune and be obedient.

 They will have no sadness and no fear of death” (2)

Verses 47 and 48 of Surah Hijr complete this issue and say:

“And we shall remove any lurking sense of injury from their hearts (they will be) brothers facing each other on raised couches. No sense of fatigue shall touch them and they shall never be asked to leave.” (3)

Keeping in mind that the word “Ghill” has a vast meaning that includes all covert evils and destroys the peace in the body, house and society we can discern from this verse that the hearts of the dwellers of paradise shall be empty of animosity and hatred. Their hearts will not contain any vanity or jealousy for god would have removed all such things from their hearts. They will be full of brotherhood and companionship. What a great environment that will be without any evil but full of love. In this world too peace will increase if such evils are eradicated or diminished but the existence of such evil ways is enough to destroy the peace of any society and create regrettable animosity between people.

The notable point is that Qura’n establishes this inner peace with the one outside and says that there will be no hardships and tiredness in Paradise. There will be no fear of the scarcity of bounties something which keeps mankind always worried in this world. This environment will make the bounties of paradise more pleasant. (4)



1. As these words were being written the news came that an attack led by the Satanic America has begun on Iraq and thousands of sorties have been made to bombard the sensitive places (30 Jamadiuth thani 1411)
2. Behar-ol-Anwar vol. 8 page 176
3. The origin of “Ghill” is “ghalal”which means to affect slowly. The water accumulated at the base of the trees is called “Ghill”. Jealousy and hatred is also called “Ghill” because it penetrates the hearts slowly and embezzlement is called “Ghalool”
4. This meaning with a slight difference can be found in verse 43 of Surah A’raf and verse 35 of Surah Faatir.


The Special Respect.The Peace after terror