The Houses in Paradise


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The Shades in Paradise Rugs and Beds

In many verses of the Qura’n we find the issue of the residence of the Paradise dwellers and various des c r i p tions have been given about it.

Verse 72 of Surah Tauba says:

“And beautiful mansions in the gardens of Paradise.”

This des c r i p tion has come in verse 12 of Surah Saff also. The word “Tayyiba” has a vast meaning that includes all features and attributes. It is used for something that is very pleasing and likeable which gives pleasure to his soul or that his life becomes totally pure. All the things in house that we can imagine are included in it.

But if verse 75 of Surah Furqan it has been compared to “Ghurfata” which means the highest storey of a building. It says:

“Those are the ones who will be rewarded the highest place in the heaven.”

The origin of “Ghurfata” is “Gharf” which means to carry something and “ghurfata” is that which is being carried and then eaten and it is also used for the highest floor of a building as if they have been lifted from the ground. It may mean the highest station in Paradise.

The notable point is that the breeze in such places is very pleasant and this makes them attractive. Verse 37 of Surah Saba says:

“They will reside in the high buildings.”

Verse 20 of Surah Zumar says:

“For them are built lofty room one above another under which the rivers flow”

Verses 51 and 52 of Surah Dukhan speak about the residence of the dwellers of Paradise:

“Verily the pious will be a place of peace among the gardens and springs.”

Two things are notable:

According to verses such as verse 12 of Surah Saff have spoken only about the pure or clean houses and this is because the most important of man’s residence is his house and that too a purified house cleansed of all contaminations, a place of peace where a person can reside peacefully. The origin of “Maskan” too is Sakoon which means peace.

A few things have been named as causes for peace. Verse 80 of Surah Nahl says:

“And God has made for you in your homes an abode.”

A compatible wife: Verse 21 of Surah Rom:

“Among His signs for you is that he created mates for you from among yourselves so that you may dwell peacefully.”

Verse 96 of Surah Anam says:

“He makes the night for rest and tranquility.”

The Messenger prayed for the believers who gave Zakat as in verses 103 of Surah Tauba:

“Your prayers are a source of security for them.” (1)

True faith also gives peace as in verse 4 of Surah Fath:

“It is He who has sent down tranquility in the heart of the believers.”

Some people have these material attributes and some have the symbolic ones.


1. Mizanol Hikmah vol.2 page 1594


The Shades in Paradise Rugs and Beds